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Advent of Code 2017

Hopefully most of these solutions are fairly self-explanatory. I'll write longer-length explanations for harder questions.


Day 3: Spiral Memory (problem description)


These are the runtimes of only one trial but the variances are fairly small and the focus is on the differences in runtime among the different solutions to see which have comparatively worse performance.

Day Runtime (s) With -O2
01 0.044
02 0.078
03 0.074
04 0.082
05 16.833 10.975
06 0.398
07 0.148
08 0.137
09 0.102
10 0.340
11 0.119
12 0.168
13 2.136 0.503
14 8.211 5.206
15 62.242
16 0.462
17 6.753 1.865
18 0.118

Problems that should be optimized further: 15

Problems that could use some work: 05, 14

Problems that are good enough with optimizations: 17, 13