Problem 83: Almost there...
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ import Data.Foldable
import Data.PQueue.Min
import Data.PQueue.Min
type Value = Integer
type Value = Integer
type Distance = Maybe Integer -- Nothing represents infinity
type Distance = Integer
type Position = (Int, Int)
type Position = (Int, Int)
data Element = Element {
data Element = Element {
value :: Value,
value :: Value,
distance :: Distance,
distance :: Maybe Distance, -- Nothing represents infinity
position :: Position
position :: Position
} deriving (Eq, Show)
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data PQE = PQE Element Distance deriving (Eq, Show)
data PQE = PQE Element Distance deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -19,29 +19,39 @@ instance Ord PQE where
_ <= PQE _ Nothing = True
_ <= PQE _ Nothing = True
PQE _ (Just d1) <= PQE _ (Just d2) = d1 <= d2
PQE _ (Just d1) <= PQE _ (Just d2) = d1 <= d2
dijkstra :: Matrix Element -> MinQueue PQE -> Position -> Distance
getNeighbours :: Matrix Element -> Element -> [Element]
dijkstra m q p =
getNeighbours m e =
let (i, j) = position e
in catMaybes [safeGet (i - 1) j m,
safeGet (i + 1) j m,
safeGet i (j - 1) m,
safeGet i (j + 1) m]
dijkstra :: Position -> Matrix Element -> MinQueue PQE -> Distance
dijkstra p m q =
let PQE minElement minDistance = findMin q
let PQE minElement minDistance = findMin q
in if position minElement == p
in if position minElement == p
then distance minElement
then minDistance
else undefined --TODO
else let (newM, newQ) = foldr update (m, q) $ getNeighbours m minElement
in dijkstra p newM newQ
where update neighbour (prevM, prevQ) =
let newDistance = minDistance + value neighbour
in case distance neighbour of
Nothing -> undefined
Just d -> undefined
findShortestPathLength :: Matrix Element -> Distance
findShortestPathLength :: Matrix Element -> Distance
findShortestPathLength m =
findShortestPathLength m =
let initialElement = m ! (1, 1)
let initialElement = m ! (1, 1)
initialMinQ = singleton $ PQE initialElement $ distance initialElement
initialMinQ = singleton $ PQE initialElement $ value initialElement
lastPos = (nrows m, ncols m)
lastPos = (nrows m, ncols m)
in dijkstra m initialMinQ lastPos
in dijkstra lastPos m initialMinQ
setInitial :: Matrix Element -> Matrix Element
setInitial :: Matrix Element -> Matrix Element
setInitial m =
setInitial m =
let v = value $ m ! (1, 1)
let v = value $ m ! (1, 1)
maybeMatrix = safeSet (Element v (Just v) (1, 1)) (1, 1) m
in unsafeSet (Element v (Just v) (1, 1)) (1, 1) m
in case maybeMatrix of
Just mm -> mm
Nothing -> m
initElement :: Matrix Integer -> Position -> Element
initElement :: Matrix Integer -> Position -> Element
initElement m p =
initElement m p =
Reference in New Issue