Fork 0

Problem 78 (two solutions ― 78 uses recursion and takes too long, 78_alt uses a recursive function for the partition function that relies on generalized pentagonal numbers); Problem 79 done by hand.

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Chan 2017-07-16 11:18:54 -07:00
parent 29716fee83
commit 546d8f5ffe
12 changed files with 64 additions and 0 deletions


Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.

78 Executable file

Binary file not shown.

78.hi Normal file

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78.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as M
filterSum :: Int -> M.IntMap Int -> Int
filterSum n subMap =
let filterMap = M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k <= n) subMap
in M.foldr (+) 0 filterMap
getSubmap :: Int -> M.IntMap (M.IntMap Int) -> M.IntMap Int
getSubmap k numMap = M.findWithDefault undefined k numMap
insertSubmap :: Int -> M.IntMap (M.IntMap Int) -> M.IntMap (M.IntMap Int)
insertSubmap n numMap=
let getFilterSumInsert k subMap = M.insert k (filterSum k (getSubmap (n-k) numMap)) subMap
subMap = foldr getFilterSumInsert M.empty [n, n-1..1]
in M.insert n subMap numMap
addToList :: (M.IntMap (M.IntMap Int), (Int, Int)) -> Int -> (M.IntMap (M.IntMap Int), (Int, Int))
addToList (currMap, _) n =
let nextMap = insertSubmap n currMap
nextVal = filterSum n $ getSubmap n $ nextMap
in (nextMap, (n, nextVal))
createNummap :: [(M.IntMap (M.IntMap Int), (Int, Int))]
createNummap =
let initialMap = M.fromList [(0, M.fromList [(0, 1)])]
in scanl addToList (initialMap, (1, 1)) [1..]
main = print $
let (_, finalVal) = last $ takeWhile (\(_, (_, val)) -> val `mod` 1000000 /= 0) $ createNummap
in finalVal

78.o Normal file

Binary file not shown.

78_alt Executable file

Binary file not shown.

78_alt.hi Normal file

Binary file not shown.

78_alt.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as M
type Map = M.IntMap Integer
type Sign = Integer
getOrFail :: Int -> Map -> Integer
getOrFail n m = M.findWithDefault undefined n m
pentNumsSign :: [(Int, Sign)]
pentNumsSign = map (\n -> ((3 * n * n - n) `div` 2, if (even ((abs n) - 1)) then 1 else -1)) $ concat $ map (\n -> [n, -n]) [1..]
partition :: Int -> Map -> Map
partition n m =
let part = sum $ map (\(p, sgn) -> sgn * (getOrFail (n-p) m)) $ takeWhile (\(p, sgn) -> p <= n) pentNumsSign
in M.insert n part m
findPartition :: Int -> Map -> Int
findPartition n m =
let newM = partition n m
val = getOrFail n newM
in if val `mod` 1000000 == 0
then n
else findPartition (n+1) newM
main = print $ findPartition 1 $ M.fromList [(0, 1)]

78_alt.o Normal file

Binary file not shown.

79.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Did this one by hand: 73162890
For each three-digit sequence jkl,
If there's no path from j to k or k to l,
Draw such a directed edge from j to k or k to l
If there's more than one path from any m to n
Remove all paths except for the longest
The result should be a linear acyclic chain