These scripts will migrate a Mercurial repository to a Git repository using hg-fast-export, strip large files using BFG Repo-Cleaner, tag and delete branches that were closed in Mercurial, and convert .hgignore files to .gitignore files.
1. Copy all hg2git\*.sh,, and users.csv files to the same directory.
2. Run `./ <source> <target> <authors> <fast-export>`. This may take a while. Do **NOT** delete the reformatted-authors.txt file.
3. If you have new changes in your Mercurial repository and you wish to update your Git repository, ensure the changes have been pulled (`hg pull`) and run `./ <source> <target>`.
4. Before moving on, make sure that you are **absolutely sure** you no longer need to update your Git repository from your Mercurial repository. Once you perform the next steps, you **cannot** update again.
5. To strip out large files from history and delete closed branches, run `./ <source> <target> <bfg-cleaner>`. Files larger than 40M will be stripped. This may take a while.
6. To copy .hgignore files to .gitignore, convert _some_ of the regex to globs, and commit these files for every branch, run `./ <target>`. Note that this will convert the repository from bare to non-bare and check out files.
8. To remove temporary files that were created during the execution of these scripts (.bak, .log, \*authors.txt, hg-fast-export files), run `git clean -df`.