135 lines
5.1 KiB
135 lines
5.1 KiB
#lang plai
(require racket/vector
(define (vector-ref** vec pos)
(vector-ref* vec pos 0))
;; string->program : string -> (listof number)
;; A program is a list of numbers,
;; which are sequences of instructions and parameters.
(define (string->program str)
(list->vector (map string->number (string-split str ","))))
(define (program? p)
(vectorof number?))
;; state =
;; | out number (() -> state)
;; | in (number -> state)
;; | halt program
(define-type state
(out [value number?] [resume procedure?])
(in [resume procedure?])
(halt [program program?]))
;; resume-with-output : state -> (values number state)
;; Extract the output, then resume the program.
(define (resume-with-output st)
(type-case state st
[out (value resume) (values value (resume))]
[else (error "resume-with-output: Unexpected program state.")]))
;; resume-with-input : state -> number -> state
;; Resume the program with given input.
(define (resume-with-input st input)
(type-case state st
[in (resume) (resume input)]
[else (error "resume-with-input: Unexpected program state.")]))
;; resume-with-io : state -> (listof number) -> (listof number)
;; Run the program, providing input as needed, and collecting output.
(define (resume-with-io st inputs)
(type-case state st
[in (resume)
(resume-with-io (resume (car inputs)) (cdr inputs))]
[out (value resume)
(cons value (resume-with-io (resume) inputs))]
[halt (program) '()]))
;; halt-with-program : state -> program
;; Return program state of halted execution.
(define (halt-with-program st)
(type-case state st
[halt (program) program]
[else (error "halt-with-program: Unexpected program state.")]))
;; exec* : program -> number -> number -> state
;; An encoded instruction is anywhere from 1 to 4 digits long.
;; The last one or two digits represent the opcode, which can be:
;; - 1/2: add/multiply parameters 1 and 2 and store in parameter 3
;; - 3: take an input and store in parameter 1
;; - 4: output parameter 1
;; - 5/6: if parameter 1 is non-zero/zero, jump to parameter 2
;; - 7/8: if parameter 1 is less-than/equal-to parameter 2,
;; store 1 else store 0 in parameter 3
;; - 9: add parameter 1 to relative base
;; - 99: halt
;; The next few digits to the left of the opcode (if any) represent
;; the mode of each parameter, with that of parameter i in the digit
;; i digits to the left of the opcode.
;; If the mode is 0, the value at pointer is an address.
;; If the mode is 1, the value at pointer is immediate.
;; If the mode is 2, the value at pointer is an address to be offset by base.
;; Note that leading zeroes in the encoded instruction are omitted.
(define (exec* program #:ptr [pointer 0] #:base [base 0])
(define instruction (vector-ref** program pointer))
(define opcode (remainder instruction 100))
(define next-pointer
(match opcode
[(or 1 2 7 8) (+ pointer 4)]
[(or 3 4 9) (+ pointer 2)]
[(or 5 6) (+ pointer 3)]
[99 (+ pointer 1)]))
(define (get-location index mode)
(match mode
[0 (vector-ref** program (+ pointer index))]
[1 (+ pointer index)]
[2 (+ (vector-ref** program (+ pointer index)) base)]))
(let* ([mode1 (remainder (quotient instruction 100) 10)]
[mode2 (remainder (quotient instruction 1000) 10)]
[mode3 (remainder (quotient instruction 10000) 10)]
;; l* : call to get write location from program
[l1 (λ () (get-location 1 mode1))]
[l2 (λ () (get-location 2 mode2))]
[l3 (λ () (get-location 3 mode3))]
;; v* : call to read values from program
[v1 (λ () (vector-ref** program (l1)))]
[v2 (λ () (vector-ref** program (l2)))]
[v3 (λ () (vector-ref** program (l3)))])
(match opcode
[(or 1 2)
(let* ([arith (match opcode [1 +] [2 *])]
[value (arith (v1) (v2))]
[program (vector-set!* program (l3) value)])
(exec* program #:ptr next-pointer #:base base))]
(let* ([resume
(λ (input)
(vector-set!* program (l1) input)
(exec* program #:ptr next-pointer #:base base))])
(in resume))]
(let* ([output (v1)]
(λ () (exec* program #:ptr next-pointer #:base base))])
(out output resume))]
[(or 5 6)
(let* ([jump-if (match opcode [5 nzero?] [6 zero?])]
[next-pointer (if (jump-if (v1)) (v2) next-pointer)])
(exec* program #:ptr next-pointer #:base base))]
[(or 7 8)
(let* ([lt-eq (match opcode [7 <] [8 =])]
[value (if (lt-eq (v1) (v2)) 1 0)]
[program (vector-set!* program (l3) value)])
(exec* program #:ptr next-pointer #:base base))]
(let ([base (+ base (v1))])
(exec* program #:ptr next-pointer #:base base))]
(halt program)])))
;; Just so we always run the program on a fresh copy
(define (exec program #:ptr [pointer 0] #:base [base 0])
(exec* (vector-copy program) #:ptr pointer #:base base)) |