57 lines
1.7 KiB
57 lines
1.7 KiB
import Data.HashMap (Map, insert, alter, empty, toList, findWithDefault)
import qualified Data.HashMap as M (lookup)
data Instruction = I {
reg :: String,
inc :: Int,
src :: String,
fnc :: Int -> Bool
getFnc :: String -> (Int -> Int -> Bool)
getFnc s = case s of
"<" -> (<)
"<=" -> (<=)
">" -> (>)
">=" -> (>=)
"==" -> (==)
"!=" -> (/=)
getOrSetZero :: String -> Map String Int -> (Int, Map String Int)
getOrSetZero s m =
case M.lookup s m of
Just value -> (value, m)
Nothing -> (0, insert s 0 m)
addToMaybe :: Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
addToMaybe i (Just x) = Just $ i + x
addToMaybe i Nothing = Just i
parseLine :: String -> Instruction
parseLine s =
let (register : command : value : _ : source : function : argument : _) = words s
in I {
reg = register,
inc = case command of
"inc" -> read value
"dec" -> (- read value),
src = source,
fnc = flip (getFnc function) $ read argument
executeInstruction :: (Map String Int, Int) -> Instruction -> (Map String Int, Int)
executeInstruction (m, highest) (I r i s f) =
let (value, newMap) = getOrSetZero s m
newHighest = max highest $ findWithDefault highest r newMap
in if f value
then (alter (addToMaybe i) r newMap, newHighest)
else (newMap, highest)
main :: IO ()
main = do
input <- readFile "8.txt"
let instructions = map parseLine $ lines input
(finalMap, highest) = foldl executeInstruction (empty, 0) instructions
maxValue = maximum . snd . unzip . toList $ finalMap
print $ maxValue
print $ highest |