42 lines
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42 lines
1.3 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Day09 (main) where
import Data.IntMap (IntMap, empty, insertWith)
import Data.Sequence (Seq((:<|)), fromList, (><), (<|))
import qualified Data.Sequence as S (length, drop, take)
players = 411
lastMarble = 7105800
infix 5 %
(%) = mod
-- (scoreboard, marbles, marble, player)
type State = (Scoreboard, Marbles, Int, Int)
type Scoreboard = IntMap Int
type Marbles = Seq Int
-- pop from the front and push in the back n marbles
spin :: Int -> Marbles -> Marbles
spin n m = S.drop n m >< S.take n m
-- pop from the back and push in the front n marbles
unspin :: Int -> Marbles -> Marbles
unspin n m = S.drop (S.length m - n) m >< S.take (S.length m - n) m
part1 :: State -> Int
part1 (scores, marbles, m, p)
| nextMarble == lastMarble = maximum scores
| nextMarble % 23 == 0 =
let !(m:<|nextMarbles) = unspin 7 marbles
nextScores = insertWith (+) nextPlayer (nextMarble + m) scores
in part1 (nextScores, nextMarbles, nextMarble, nextPlayer)
| otherwise =
let !nextMarbles = nextMarble <| spin 2 marbles
in part1 (scores, nextMarbles, nextMarble, nextPlayer)
where nextMarble = m + 1
nextPlayer = (p % players) + 1
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ part1 (empty, fromList [1, 0], 1, 1) |