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Day 18: Refactored for convenience for part 2, which I will do later.

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Chan 2019-12-25 13:52:41 -08:00
parent 86a9bec9d3
commit eedf2c6391
1 changed files with 54 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
(require racket/set (require racket/set
data/heap data/heap
graph graph
(only-in 2htdp/batch-io read-lines)
(except-in "../lib.rkt" transpose)) (except-in "../lib.rkt" transpose))
(define input (define input
(problem-input 18)) (read-lines "../input/18.txt"))
(define list-grid (define list-grid
(map string->list input)) (map string->list input))
@ -20,11 +21,21 @@
(define height (define height
(length list-grid)) (length list-grid))
;; start : (coord . char) (define (show-grid)
;; coord = (list number number) (for-each displayln
(define start (map (λ (s)
(cons #\@ (list (round (/ width 2)) (string-replace (string-replace s "#" "") "." " "))
(round (/ height 2))))) input)))
;; keys : (setof char)
(define keys
(cons #\@
(map integer->char
(range (char->integer #\a)
(add1 (char->integer #\z)))))))
;; coord : (list number number)
;; get-char : coord -> char ;; get-char : coord -> char
(define (get-char coord) (define (get-char coord)
@ -78,6 +89,17 @@
hash))) hash)))
hash coords))) hash coords)))
;; start : (char . coord)
;; Char-coord pair of #\@, for convenience
(define start
(cons #\@ (hash-ref keys-hash #\@)))
;; visited : (setof char)
;; Assume that we already have any key that does not
;; show up in the hash, as well as the starting point #\@
(define visited
(set-add (set-subtract keys (list->set (hash-keys keys-hash))) #\@))
;; inter-keys-hash : (hashof (char => char)) ;; inter-keys-hash : (hashof (char => char))
;; A hashmap from keys to the keys that must be collected ;; A hashmap from keys to the keys that must be collected
;; when taking the shortest path from #\@ to that key ;; when taking the shortest path from #\@ to that key
@ -130,6 +152,25 @@
(not (set-member? visited key)) (not (set-member? visited key))
(andmap ( set-member? visited) (hash-ref doors-hash key))))) (andmap ( set-member? visited) (hash-ref doors-hash key)))))
;; We do a breadth-first search over an implicit graph.
;; The nodes of this graph are visit states, which consist of
;; the current key we are at, as well as the keys we have visited.
;; This is why state=? only compares key and visited when removing
;; states from the heap.
;; States are ordered by the total number of steps taken,
;; which is also saved in the state struct.
;; This is why state<? only orders by steps.
;; Starting from the state with the fewest steps taken so far,
;; we visit all of its neighbours, which are the visitable keys
;; with the accumulated visited keys at that point.
;; The visitable keys are given by the conditions above in visitable?
;; For each neighbouring state, if the steps taken to get there
;; is smaller than the same existing state already in the heap,
;; we "update" the state by removing the old state from the heap
;; and adding the same state with the new number of steps into the heap.
;; Using a hashmap from states to steps allows us to find the old steps
;; if it exists (since data/heap doesn't have a find operation).
(struct state (key visited steps) #:transparent) (struct state (key visited steps) #:transparent)
(define (state=? st1 st2) (define (state=? st1 st2)
@ -139,13 +180,13 @@
(define (state<? st1 st2) (define (state<? st1 st2)
(< (state-steps st1) (state-steps st2))) (< (state-steps st1) (state-steps st2)))
(define part1 (define (search key-count)
(let ([heap (make-heap state<?)] (let ([heap (make-heap state<?)]
[memo (make-hash)]) [memo (make-hash)])
(heap-add! heap (state #\@ (set #\@) 0)) (heap-add! heap (state #\@ visited 0))
(match-let loop ([(state key visited steps) (heap-min heap)]) (match-let loop ([(state key visited steps) (heap-min heap)])
(heap-remove-min! heap) (heap-remove-min! heap)
(if (= (set-count visited) (hash-count keys-hash)) (if (= (set-count visited) key-count)
steps steps
(let* ([visitable (filter ( visitable? visited) (get-neighbors key-graph key))]) (let* ([visitable (filter ( visitable? visited) (get-neighbors key-graph key))])
(for ([nkey visitable]) (for ([nkey visitable])
@ -159,4 +200,7 @@
(heap-add! heap st)))) (heap-add! heap st))))
(loop (heap-min heap))))))) (loop (heap-min heap)))))))
#;(for-each displayln (map (λ (s) (string-replace (string-replace s "#" "") "." " ")) input)) (define part1
(search (set-count keys)))
(printf "Part 1: ~a\n" part1)