Updated Haskell implementation and Day 2 solution.
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,4 +3,12 @@ module Main where
import Day02 (day02)
main :: IO ()
main = day02
main = do
putStrLn "Which day's solution would you like to execute?"
day <- readLn
case day of
2 -> day02
n ->
if n >= 1 && n <= 25
then putStrLn "Sorry, there's no implementation for that day."
else putStrLn "That's not even... no!"
@ -1,9 +1,24 @@
module Day02 where
import IntCode (IntCodeState(..), initState, getProgram, execUntilHalt)
import Lib
import IntCode (getProgramAfterExec)
import Control.Monad (guard)
input = [1,12,2,3,1,1,2,3,1,3,4,3,1,5,0,3,2,1,9,19,1,10,19,23,2,9,23,27,1,6,27,31,2,31,9,35,1,5,35,39,1,10,39,43,1,10,43,47,2,13,47,51,1,10,51,55,2,55,10,59,1,9,59,63,2,6,63,67,1,5,67,71,1,71,5,75,1,5,75,79,2,79,13,83,1,83,5,87,2,6,87,91,1,5,91,95,1,95,9,99,1,99,6,103,1,103,13,107,1,107,5,111,2,111,13,115,1,115,6,119,1,6,119,123,2,123,13,127,1,10,127,131,1,131,2,135,1,135,5,0,99,2,14,0,0]
addNounVerb :: Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
addNounVerb n v is = head is : n : v : drop 3 is
part1 :: [Int] -> Int
part1 = head . getProgramAfterExec . addNounVerb 12 2
part2 :: [Int] -> [Int]
part2 input = do
noun <- [0..99]
verb <- [0..99]
let result = head . getProgramAfterExec . addNounVerb noun verb $ input
guard $ result == 19690720
return $ 100 * noun + verb
day02 = do
putStr "Part 1: "
print . head . getProgram . execUntilHalt $ initState input
input <- readAsList <$> readFile "../input/02.txt"
printPart1 $ part1 input
printPart2 $ head (part2 input)
@ -3,34 +3,39 @@
module IntCode
( IntCodeState(..)
, initState
, getProgram
, execUntilHalt
, evalWithOutput
, getProgramAfterExec
) where
import Lib ((%), (//))
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.IntMap (IntMap, Key, findWithDefault, insert, fromList, toList)
import Control.Monad.State (State, get, put, modify, runState)
type Preprogram = [Int]
type Program = IntMap Int
type Pointer = Int
type Base = Int
type Ins = [Int]
type Outs = [Int]
data IntCodeState = IntCodeState {
program :: Program,
pointer :: Pointer,
base :: Base,
inputs :: [Int]
inputs :: Ins
data Result = Output Int | Continue | Halted
(%) = mod
(//) = div
data Result = Output Int | Continue | Halt
(!) :: Program -> Key -> Int
infixl 5 ! -- just below arithmetic
(!) = flip $ findWithDefault 0
noop :: State IntCodeState ()
noop = return ()
@ -52,6 +57,9 @@ readInput = do
put st { inputs = tail $ inputs st }
return . head $ inputs st
exec :: State IntCodeState Result
exec = do
IntCodeState program pointer base _ <- get
@ -79,22 +87,35 @@ exec = do
2 -> updateProgram loc3 (val1 * val2) >> return Continue
3 -> readInput >>= updateProgram loc1 >> return Continue
4 -> return $ Output val1
5 -> (if (val1 /= 0) then updatePointer val2 else noop) >> return Continue
6 -> (if (val1 == 0) then updatePointer val2 else noop) >> return Continue
7 -> updateProgram loc3 (if (val1 < val2) then 1 else 0) >> return Continue
8 -> updateProgram loc3 (if (val1 == val2) then 1 else 0) >> return Continue
5 -> (if val1 /= 0 then updatePointer val2 else noop) >> return Continue
6 -> (if val1 == 0 then updatePointer val2 else noop) >> return Continue
7 -> updateProgram loc3 (if val1 < val2 then 1 else 0) >> return Continue
8 -> updateProgram loc3 (if val1 == val2 then 1 else 0) >> return Continue
9 -> updateBase val1 >> return Continue
99 -> return Halted
99 -> return Halt
initState :: [Int] -> IntCodeState
-- By convention, run* returns (value, state),
-- exec* returns state, and eval* returns value
initState :: Preprogram -> IntCodeState
initState list = IntCodeState (fromList $ zip [0..] list) 0 0 []
getProgram :: IntCodeState -> [Int]
getProgram = map snd . sort . toList . program
execUntilHalt :: IntCodeState -> IntCodeState
execUntilHalt st =
let (result, st') = runState exec st
in case result of
Halted -> st'
Halt -> st'
_ -> execUntilHalt st'
evalWithOutput :: IntCodeState -> Outs
evalWithOutput st =
let (result, st') = runState exec st
in case result of
Halt -> []
Output out -> out : evalWithOutput st'
Continue -> evalWithOutput st'
getProgramAfterExec :: Preprogram -> Preprogram
getProgramAfterExec = map snd . sort . toList . program . execUntilHalt . initState
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
module Lib
( readAsList
, printPart1
, printPart2
, (%), (//)
) where
-- Read a sequence of comma-separated values as a homogenous list
readAsList :: Read a => String -> [a]
readAsList = read . ("[" ++) . (++ "]")
printPart1 :: Show a => a -> IO ()
printPart1 a = do
putStr "Part 1: "
print a
printPart2 :: Show a => a -> IO ()
printPart2 a = do
putStr "Part 1: "
print a
(%) :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
(%) = mod
(//) :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
(//) = div
Reference in New Issue