Day 18: Simplify logic a little without using symbols.
This commit is contained in:
@ -97,86 +97,67 @@
['right (left-add-rightmost! n (pair-parent p))]
['left (up-add-rightmost! n (pair-parent p))]))
;; number? pair? -> (or/c 'exploded 'continue)
;; Explodes pairs at depth 4 or greater
;; number? pair? -> (or/c void? #f)
;; Explodes pairs at depth 4 or greater or returns false
(define (explode depth p)
(match p
[(pair 'left parent (? number? left) (? number? right))
#:when (>= depth 4)
(right-add-leftmost! right parent)
(up-add-rightmost! left parent)
(set-pair-left! parent 0)
(set-pair-left! parent 0)]
[(pair 'right parent (? number? left) (? number? right))
#:when (>= depth 4)
(left-add-rightmost! left parent)
(up-add-leftmost! right parent)
(set-pair-right! parent 0)
[(pair type parent (? number? left) (? number? right))
(set-pair-right! parent 0)]
[(pair type parent (? number? left) (? number? right)) #f]
[(pair type parent (? number? left) (? pair? right))
(explode (add1 depth) right)]
[(pair type parent (? pair? left) (? number? right?))
(explode (add1 depth) left)]
[(pair type parent (? pair? left) (? pair? right))
(define results
(list (explode (add1 depth) left)
(explode (add1 depth) right)))
(if (member 'exploded results) 'exploded 'continue)]))
(or (explode (add1 depth) left)
(explode (add1 depth) right))]))
;; SPLIT ;;
;; number? pair? -> void?
;; Effect: Sets left node to new pair consisting of halved number
;; rounded down and up
;; Effect: Sets left node to new pair consisting of halved number rounded down and up
(define (split-left! left p)
(define halved (/ left 2))
(set-pair-left! p (pair 'left p (floor halved) (ceiling halved))))
;; number? pair? -> void?
;; Effect: Sets right node to new pair consisting of halved number
;; rounded down and up
;; Effect: Sets right node to new pair consisting of halved number rounded down and up
(define (split-right! right p)
(define halved (/ right 2))
(set-pair-right! p (pair 'right p (floor halved) (ceiling halved))))
;; pair? -> (or/c 'split 'continue)
;; Splits leftmost number greater than 10 into a pair of halved numbers
;; pair? -> (or/c void? #f)
;; Splits leftmost number greater than 10 into a pair of halved numbers or returns false
(define (split p)
(match p
[(pair type parent (? number? left) (? number? right))
(if (>= left 10)
(begin (split-left! left p) 'split)
(if (>= right 10)
(begin (split-right! right p) 'split)
(or (and (>= left 10) (split-left! left p))
(and (>= right 10) (split-right! right p)))]
[(pair type parent (? number? left) (? pair? right))
(if (>= left 10)
(begin (split-left! left p) 'split)
(split right))]
(if (>= left 10) (split-left! left p) (split right))]
[(pair type parent (? pair? left) (? number? right))
(match (split left)
['split 'split]
(if (>= right 10)
(begin (split-right! right p) 'split)
(or (split left) (and (>= right 10) (split-right! right p)))]
[(pair type parent (? pair? left) (? pair? right))
(match (split left)
['split 'split]
['continue (split right)])]))
(or (split left) (split right))]))
;; REDUCE ;;
;; pair? -> void?
;; Effect: Explodes then splits pair until a fixed point is reached
(define (reduce p)
(let loop ([status 'exploded])
(if (symbol=? status 'continue)
(unless (symbol=? (split p) 'continue)
(loop (explode 0 p)))
(loop (explode 0 p)))))
(let loop ([exploded #t])
(if exploded
(loop (explode 0 p))
(when (split p)
(loop (explode 0 p))))))
Reference in New Issue