Fork 0

Day 19. idk how to make it faster

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Chan 2021-12-19 13:09:52 -08:00 committed by Jonathan Chan
parent dbe632d7dc
commit ce2ccd21f3
3 changed files with 1146 additions and 1 deletions

input/19.txt Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -37,4 +37,5 @@
(let*-values ([(weights paths) (dijkstra (make-graph dim) (posn 0 0))])
(hash-ref weights (posn (sub1 dim) (sub1 dim)))))
(show-solution (shortest-path dim) (shortest-path (* dim 5)))
(show-solution (time (shortest-path dim))
(time (shortest-path (* dim 5))))

src/19.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
#lang curly-fn racket
(require "../lib.rkt")
(define input
(for/list ([group (problem-input-grouped-lines 19)])
(for/set ([line (rest group)])
(match-let ([(list _ x y z) (regexp-match #px"(.+),(.+),(.+)" line)])
(map string->number (list x y z))))))
(define (set-map s f)
(for/set ([x s])
(f x)))
(define (delta beacon1 beacon2)
(match* (beacon1 beacon2)
[((list x1 y1 z1) (list x2 y2 z2))
(list (- x1 x2) (- y1 y2) (- z1 z2))]))
(define (shift beacon change)
(match* (beacon change)
[((list xb yb zb) (list xc yc zc))
(list (+ xb xc) (+ yb yc) (+ zb zc))]))
(define (magnitude change)
(match-let ([(list x y z) change])
(+ (abs x) (abs y) (abs z))))
(define (deltas region)
(for*/set ([beacon1 region]
[beacon2 region])
(abs (magnitude (delta beacon1 beacon2)))))
(define rotations
(for*/fold ([rotations '()])
([dx '(1 -1)]
[dy '(1 -1)]
[dz '(1 -1)])
(if (= (* dx dy dz) 1)
(list (match-lambda [`(,x ,y ,z) `(,(* x dx) ,(* y dy) ,(* z dz))])
(match-lambda [`(,x ,y ,z) `(,(* y dy) ,(* z dz) ,(* x dx))])
(match-lambda [`(,x ,y ,z) `(,(* z dz) ,(* x dx) ,(* y dy))]))
(list (match-lambda [`(,x ,y ,z) `(,(* x dx) ,(* z dz) ,(* y dy))])
(match-lambda [`(,x ,y ,z) `(,(* y dy) ,(* x dx) ,(* z dz))])
(match-lambda [`(,x ,y ,z) `(,(* z dz) ,(* y dy) ,(* x dx))])))
(define rotated-regions
(for/hash ([region input])
(values region (map #{set-map region %} rotations))))
(define (combine region1 region2)
(and (>= (set-count (set-intersect (deltas region1) (deltas region2))) 66)
(for*/or ([beacon1 region1]
[beacon2 region2])
(define change (delta beacon1 beacon2))
(define shifted-region2
(set-map region2 #{shift % (delta beacon1 beacon2)}))
(and (>= (set-count (set-intersect region1 shifted-region2)) 12)
(cons (set-union region1 shifted-region2)
(define-values (part1 part2)
(let loop ([full-map (first input)]
[scanners '()]
[regions (rest input)])
(if (empty? regions)
(values (set-count full-map)
(for*/fold ([distance 0])
([scanner1 scanners]
[scanner2 scanners]
#:when (not (equal? scanner1 scanner2)))
(max distance (magnitude (delta scanner1 scanner2)))))
(for*/fold ([full-map full-map]
[scanners scanners]
[regions regions]
#:result (loop full-map scanners regions))
([region regions]
[rotation (hash-ref rotated-regions region)])
(define combined/scanner
(combine full-map rotation))
(if combined/scanner
(values (car combined/scanner)
(cons (cdr combined/scanner) scanners)
(remove region regions))
(values full-map scanners regions)))))))
(show-solution part1 part2)