Fork 0

Day 08: Directly produce digits instead of individual segments.

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Chan 2021-12-08 02:19:29 -08:00 committed by Jonathan Chan
parent 466c59e52b
commit c623a281ac
1 changed files with 15 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -22,32 +22,24 @@
(filter #{= (length %) segments} patterns))
(define-values (one four seven eight)
(values (digit 2) (digit 4) (digit 3) (digit 7)))
(define-values (fives sixes)
(values (digits 5) (digits 6)))
(define top
(set-first (set-subtract seven one)))
(define bottom
(set-first (set-subtract (apply set-intersect fives) four `(,top))))
(define middle
(set-first (set-subtract (apply set-intersect fives) `(,top ,bottom))))
(define top-left
(set-first (set-subtract four one `(,middle))))
(define bottom-right
(set-first (set-subtract (apply set-intersect sixes) `(,top ,bottom ,top-left))))
(define top-right
(set-first (set-remove one bottom-right)))
(define bottom-left
(set-first (set-subtract eight `(,top ,bottom ,top-left ,top-right ,bottom-right ,middle))))
(hash (sort one char<?) #\1
(define fives (apply set-intersect (digits 5)))
(define sixes (apply set-intersect (digits 6)))
(define three (set-union one fives))
(define nine (set-union four sixes))
(define five (set-union (set-subtract four one) sixes))
(define six (set-union (set-subtract eight one) sixes))
(define zero (set-union (set-subtract eight three) (set-subtract eight four) one))
(define two (set-union (set-subtract zero sixes) fives))
(hash (sort zero char<?) #\0
(sort one char<?) #\1
(sort two char<?) #\2
(sort three char<?) #\3
(sort four char<?) #\4
(sort five char<?) #\5
(sort six char<?) #\6
(sort seven char<?) #\7
(sort eight char<?) #\8
(sort (set-subtract eight `(,top-left ,bottom-right)) char<?) #\2
(sort (set-subtract eight `(,top-left ,bottom-left)) char<?) #\3
(sort (set-subtract eight `(,top-right ,bottom-left)) char<?) #\5
(sort (set-remove eight middle) char<?) #\0
(sort (set-remove eight top-right) char<?) #\6
(sort (set-remove eight bottom-left) char<?) #\9))
(sort nine char<?) #\9))
(define part2
(for/sum ([entry input])