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Day 15. Also, some code cleanup:

- Modified IntCode interpreter to be entirely functional (via functional
vector-set!*) and fixed a bug
- Removed `zip` since it can be implemented as map
- Reimplemented `transpose` more idiomatically
- Added functions for creating, converting, displaying grids stored in
vector, list, and hashtable forms
This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Chan 2019-12-15 22:46:55 -08:00
parent ce67c75159
commit abfec61775
9 changed files with 186 additions and 53 deletions

input/15.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -9,22 +9,31 @@
(provide problem-input
!= neq?
@ -53,15 +62,55 @@
(define (show-solution part1 part2)
(printf "Part 1: ~a\nPart 2: ~a\n" part1 part2))
;; show-msg : (hashof (a => char)) -> (listof (listof a)) -> void
;; Given a grid of values, show the grid line by line,
;; with values replaced by characters in the given hash.
(define (show-msg char-hash msg)
;; Grid helpers ;;
;; A grid of values might be stored in three different ways:
;; - As a hashtable from positions (number . number) to values; or
;; - As a vector of vectors of values; or
;; - As a list of lists of values.
;; make-vector-grid : number -> number -> number -> vector-grid
(define (make-vector-grid width height [default 0])
(build-vector height (λ (_) (make-vector width default))))
;; vectors->lists : vector-grid -> list-grid
(define (vectors->lists vector-grid)
(map vector->list (vector->list vector-grid)))
;; hash->vector : hash-grid -> number -> vector-grid
;; Where the position is not in the hash-grid,
;; the vector-grid takes on the default value.
(define (hash->vector hash-grid [default 0])
(let* ([keys (hash-keys hash-grid)]
[xs (map car keys)]
[ys (map cdr keys)]
[min-x (apply min xs)]
[min-y (apply min ys)]
[width (add1 (- (apply max xs) min-x))]
[height (add1 (- (apply max ys) min-y))]
[vector-grid (make-vector-grid width height default)])
hash-grid (λ (pos val)
(let ([x (- (car pos) min-x)]
[y (- (cdr pos) min-y)])
(vector-set! (vector-ref vector-grid y) x val))))
;; show-list-grid : (hashof (value => char)) -> list-grid -> void
(define (show-list-grid char-hash list-grid)
(map ( list->string
( map ( hash-ref char-hash)))
;; show-vector-grid : (hashof (value => char)) -> vector-grid -> void
(define (show-vector-grid char-hash vector-grid)
(show-list-grid char-hash (vectors->lists vector-grid)))
;; show-hash-grid : (hashof (value => char)) -> hash-grid -> number -> void
(define (show-hash-grid char-hash hash-grid [default 0])
(show-vector-grid char-hash (hash->vector hash-grid default)))
;; Number helpers ;;
@ -69,6 +118,10 @@
;; sum : (listof number) -> number
(define (sum ns) (apply + ns))
;; != : number -> number -> boolean
(define (!= n1 n2)
(not (= n1 n2)))
;; neq : any -> any -> boolean
(define (neq? v1 v2)
(not (eq? v1 v2)))
@ -131,21 +184,14 @@
;; e.g. '((1 2 3 4) '((1 5 8)
;; (5 6 7) => (2 6 9)
;; (8 9 10 11 12)) (3 7 10))
(define (transpose layers)
(if (ormap empty? layers) '()
(let ([pixels (map car layers)]
[layers (map cdr layers)])
(cons pixels (transpose layers)))))
;; zip : (a1 -> ... -> an -> b) -> (listof a1) -> ... -> (listof an) -> (listof b)
(define (zip f . lsts)
(map (curry apply f) (transpose lsts)))
(define (transpose lists)
(apply map list lists))
;; list->queue : (listof any) -> (queueof any)
;; Creates a queue and adds elements of list in order
(define (list->queue lst)
(let ([Q (make-queue)])
(for-each (curry enqueue! Q) lst)
(for-each ( enqueue! Q) lst)
@ -160,14 +206,12 @@
(vector-ref vec pos)))
;; vector-set!* : (vectorof any) -> number -> any -> (vectorof any)
;; Set the value at given index in the vector, then return the vector
;; Set the value at given index in a new vector, then return that vector
;; If the index is beyond the length of the vector,
;; a vector that can accomodate that index is returned,
;; with all the original elements and the element at the index set
(define (vector-set!* vec pos v)
(if (< pos (vector-length vec))
(begin (vector-set! vec pos v) vec)
(let ([new-vec (make-vector (add1 pos))])
(let ([new-vec (make-vector (max (vector-length vec) (add1 pos)))])
(vector-copy! new-vec 0 vec)
(vector-set! new-vec pos v)

View File

@ -26,6 +26,6 @@
(define part2
(let* ([image (map ( findf ( neq? #\2)) (transpose layers))])
(show-msg pixel-hash (chunks-of image width))))
(show-list-grid pixel-hash (chunks-of image width))))
(show-solution part1 #f)

View File

@ -59,9 +59,9 @@
(< θ1 θ2)))
(define part2
(let* ([offsets (map (λ (ast) (zip - ast location)) in-view)]
(let* ([offsets (map (λ (ast) (map - ast location)) in-view)]
[offsets (sort offsets offset<?)]
[200th (zip + location (list-ref offsets (sub1 200)))])
[200th (map + location (list-ref offsets (sub1 200)))])
(+ (* (first 200th) 100) (second 200th))))
(show-solution part1 part2)

View File

@ -67,19 +67,6 @@
(define (part2)
(set! hull (make-hash '(((0 . 0) . 1))))
(deploy (exec input) 'U '(0 . 0))
(let* ([positions (hash-keys hull)]
[xs (map car positions)]
[ys (map cdr positions)]
[xmin (apply min xs)] [xmax (apply max xs)]
[ymin (apply min ys)] [ymax (apply max ys)]
[xrange (- xmax xmin)] [yrange (- ymax ymin)]
[grid (make-grid xrange yrange)])
(λ (xy c)
(let* ([x (- (car xy) xmin)]
[y (- (cdr xy) ymin)])
(vector-set! (vector-ref grid y) x c))))
(show-msg panel-hash (map vector->list (vector->list grid)))))
(show-hash-grid panel-hash hull) #f)
(show-solution (part1) (part2))

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
;; Step moon trajectories once
(define (step-1D moons vels)
(let* ([vels (velocities-1D moons vels)]
[moons (zip + moons vels)])
[moons (map + moons vels)])
(values moons vels)))
;; step-n-1D : number -> (listof pos) -> (listof vel) -> (values (listof pos) (listof vel))

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#lang plai
(require "../lib.rkt"
(require racket/vector
(define input
@ -42,7 +43,7 @@
(define (draw-grid)
(printf "Score: ~a\n" score)
(show-msg tile-hash (take (map vector->list (vector->list grid)) 26)))
(show-vector-grid tile-hash (vector-take grid 26)))
(define (update-grid! x y t)

src/15.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
#lang plai
(require graph
(except-in "../lib.rkt" transpose)
(define input
(string->program (car (problem-input 15))))
;; grid : (hashof (coord => status))
;; We will use a hashtable from coordinates to status codes:
;; 0: wall
;; 1: floor
;; 2: oxygen system
;; 3: unexplored
;; 4: droid
;; Use (show-hash-grid status-hash grid 3) to print out the grid as a map
(define status-hash (make-hash '((0 . #\#) (1 . #\.) (2 . #\O) (3 . #\ ) (4 . #\D))))
;; coord : (number . number)
;; Coordinates increase in the southern and eastern directions
;; next-doors : dir -> coord -> (listof coord)
;; Give a list of the next coordinates we could visit
(define (next-coords coord)
(let* ([x (car coord)]
[y (cdr coord)])
(list (cons x (sub1 y))
(cons x (add1 y))
(cons (sub1 x) y)
(cons (add1 x) y))))
;; next-dir : coord -> coord -> dir
;; Given our old coordinate and the new coordinate,
;; return the direction we have gone in
(define (next-dir old-coord new-coord)
(let ([old-x (car old-coord)]
[old-y (cdr old-coord)]
[new-x (car new-coord)]
[new-y (cdr new-coord)])
[(< new-y old-y) 1] ; north
[(> new-y old-y) 2] ; south
[(< new-x old-x) 3] ; west
[(> new-x old-x) 4]))) ; east
;; move-list : coord -> state -> grid -> (list grid (listof procedure))
;; For each possible direction we can move in, return an update grid
;; and a list of functions, each of which are advancing the state
;; from the next possible coordinate when given a grid
;; I'm not sure how to assign a type to this...
(define (move-list coord st grid)
(let ([unvisited (filter-not ( hash-has-key? grid) (next-coords coord))])
(λ (next grid-lst)
(match-let ([(list grid lst) grid-lst])
(type-case state (resume-with-input st (next-dir coord next))
[out (value resume)
(list (hash-set grid next value)
(if (= 0 value) lst
(cons ( move-list next (resume)) lst)))]
[else (error "Unexpected program state")])))
(list grid '()) unvisited)))
;; explore-map : grid -> grid
;; Breadth-first search of all accessible locations
(define (explore-map grid)
(let ([Q (make-queue)])
(enqueue! Q ( move-list '(0 . 0) (exec input)))
(let loop ([grid grid])
(if (queue-empty? Q) grid
(match-let ([(list grid nexts)
((dequeue! Q) grid)])
(for-each ( enqueue! Q) nexts)
(loop grid))))))
;; grid->graph : grid -> unweighted, undirected graph between coordinates
;; There is an edge between coordinates if we can travel from one to the other
(define (grid->graph grid)
(define (filter-non-wall coords)
(filter (λ (c) (!= 0 (hash-ref grid c 0))) coords))
(apply append
(map (λ (coord)
(map ( list coord)
(filter-non-wall (next-coords coord))))
(filter-non-wall (hash-keys grid))))))
(define-values (part1 part2)
(let* ([grid (make-immutable-hash '(((0 . 0) . 4)))]
[grid (explore-map grid)]
[oxygen (car (findf ( ( = 2) cdr) (hash->list grid)))]
[graph (grid->graph grid)])
(show-hash-grid status-hash grid 3)
(let-values ([(dist-hash _) (dijkstra graph oxygen)])
(values (hash-ref dist-hash '(0 . 0))
(apply max (hash-values dist-hash))))))
(show-solution part1 part2)

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
(require racket/vector
(define (vector-ref** vec pos)
(define (vector-ref vec pos)
(vector-ref* vec pos 0))
;; string->program : string -> (listof number)
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
;; If the mode is 2, the value at pointer is an address to be offset by base.
;; Note that leading zeroes in the encoded instruction are omitted.
(define (exec* program #:ptr [pointer 0] #:base [base 0])
(define instruction (vector-ref** program pointer))
(define instruction (vector-ref program pointer))
(define opcode (remainder instruction 100))
(define next-pointer
(match opcode
@ -84,9 +84,9 @@
[99 (+ pointer 1)]))
(define (get-location index mode)
(match mode
[0 (vector-ref** program (+ pointer index))]
[0 (vector-ref program (+ pointer index))]
[1 (+ pointer index)]
[2 (+ (vector-ref** program (+ pointer index)) base)]))
[2 (+ (vector-ref program (+ pointer index)) base)]))
(let* ([mode1 (remainder (quotient instruction 100) 10)]
[mode2 (remainder (quotient instruction 1000) 10)]
[mode3 (remainder (quotient instruction 10000) 10)]
@ -95,9 +95,9 @@
[l2 (λ () (get-location 2 mode2))]
[l3 (λ () (get-location 3 mode3))]
;; v* : call to read values from program
[v1 (λ () (vector-ref** program (l1)))]
[v2 (λ () (vector-ref** program (l2)))]
[v3 (λ () (vector-ref** program (l3)))])
[v1 (λ () (vector-ref program (l1)))]
[v2 (λ () (vector-ref program (l2)))]
[v3 (λ () (vector-ref program (l3)))])
(match opcode
[(or 1 2)
(let* ([arith (match opcode [1 +] [2 *])]
@ -107,8 +107,8 @@
(let* ([resume
(λ (input)
(vector-set!* program (l1) input)
(exec* program #:ptr next-pointer #:base base))])
(let ([program (vector-set!* program (l1) input)])
(exec* program #:ptr next-pointer #:base base)))])
(in resume))]
(let* ([output (v1)]