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Modified IntCode interpreter to return a state on input/output/halt.

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Chan 2019-12-09 13:09:16 -08:00
parent c0670a74b1
commit a9789ec9ed
6 changed files with 95 additions and 104 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
#lang racket #lang racket
(require racket/format (require
2htdp/batch-io) (only-in data/queue
(only-in 2htdp/batch-io
(provide problem-input (provide problem-input
show-solution show-solution
@ -14,6 +18,7 @@
list-ref* list-ref*
chunks-of chunks-of
transpose transpose
vector-ref* vector-ref*
vector-set!*) vector-set!*)
@ -97,6 +102,13 @@
[layers (map cdr layers)]) [layers (map cdr layers)])
(cons pixels (transpose layers))))) (cons pixels (transpose layers)))))
;; list->queue : (listof any) -> (queueof any)
;; Creates a queue and adds elements of list in order
(define (list->queue lst)
(let ([Q (make-queue)])
(for-each (curry enqueue! Q) lst)
;; Vector helpers ;; ;; Vector helpers ;;

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#lang racket #lang racket
(require "../lib.rkt" (require racket/vector
"IntCode.rkt" "../lib.rkt"
racket/vector) "IntCode.rkt")
(define input (define input
(string->program (car (problem-input 2)))) (string->program (car (problem-input 2))))
@ -14,8 +14,7 @@
input)) input))
(define (exec-pos0 program) (define (exec-pos0 program)
(let-values ([(program _) (let ([program (halt-with-program (exec program))])
(exec program)])
(vector-ref program 0))) (vector-ref program 0)))
(define part1 (define part1

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@ -7,11 +7,9 @@
(string->program (car (problem-input 5)))) (string->program (car (problem-input 5))))
(define part1 (define part1
(let-values ([(_ out) (exec input #:in '(1))]) (last (resume-with-io (exec input) '(1))))
(last out)))
(define part2 (define part2
(let-values ([(_ out) (exec input #:in '(5))]) (last (resume-with-io (exec input) '(5))))
(last out)))
(show-solution part1 part2) (show-solution part1 part2)

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#lang racket #lang plai
(require data/queue (require data/queue
"../lib.rkt" "../lib.rkt"
@ -8,80 +8,30 @@
(string->program (car (problem-input 7)))) (string->program (car (problem-input 7))))
(define (amplify phase) (define (amplify phase)
(let*-values ([(_ outA) (exec input #:in (list (first phase) 0))] (let* ([outA (resume-with-io (exec input) (list (first phase) 0))]
[(_ outB) (exec input #:in (list (second phase) (car outA)))] [outB (resume-with-io (exec input) (list (second phase) (car outA)))]
[(_ outC) (exec input #:in (list (third phase) (car outB)))] [outC (resume-with-io (exec input) (list (third phase) (car outB)))]
[(_ outD) (exec input #:in (list (fourth phase) (car outC)))] [outD (resume-with-io (exec input) (list (fourth phase) (car outC)))]
[(_ outE) (exec input #:in (list (fifth phase) (car outD)))]) [outE (resume-with-io (exec input) (list (fifth phase) (car outD)))])
(car outE))) (car outE)))
(define part1 (define part1
(let ([phases (permutations '(0 1 2 3 4))]) (let ([phases (permutations '(0 1 2 3 4))])
(apply max (append (map amplify phases))))) (apply max (append (map amplify phases)))))
(struct state (program pointer input) #:transparent)
(define (exec-state program #:ptr [pointer 0] #:in [input '()])
(let* ([instruction (list-ref program pointer)]
[opcode (remainder instruction 100)]
[mode1 (remainder (quotient instruction 100) 10)]
[mode2 (remainder (quotient instruction 1000) 10)]
[mode3 (remainder (quotient instruction 10000) 10)]
;; l* : call to get write location from program
[l1 (λ () (if (zero? mode1) (list-ref program (+ pointer 1)) (+ pointer 1)))]
[l2 (λ () (if (zero? mode2) (list-ref program (+ pointer 2)) (+ pointer 2)))]
[l3 (λ () (if (zero? mode3) (list-ref program (+ pointer 3)) (+ pointer 3)))]
;; v* : call to read values from program
[v1 (λ () (list-ref program (l1)))]
[v2 (λ () (list-ref program (l2)))]
[v3 (λ () (list-ref program (l3)))]
(match opcode
[(or 1 2 7 8) (+ pointer 4)]
[(or 3 4) (+ pointer 2)]
[(or 5 6) (+ pointer 3)]
[99 (+ pointer 1)])])
(match opcode
[(or 1 2)
(let* ([arith (match opcode [1 +] [2 *])]
[value (arith (v1) (v2))]
[program (list-set program (l3) value)])
(exec-state program #:ptr next-pointer #:in input))]
(let* ([value (car input)]
[input (cdr input)]
[program (list-set program (l1) value)])
(exec-state program #:ptr next-pointer #:in input))]
(values 'yield (v1)
(state program next-pointer input))]
[(or 5 6)
(let* ([jump-if (match opcode [5 nzero?] [6 zero?])]
[next-pointer (if (jump-if (v1)) (v2) next-pointer)])
(exec-state program #:ptr next-pointer #:in input))]
[(or 7 8)
(let* ([lt-eq (match opcode [7 <] [8 =])]
[value (if (lt-eq (v1) (v2)) 1 0)]
[program (list-set program (l3) value)])
(exec-state program #:ptr next-pointer #:in input))]
(values 'halt (car input)
(state program next-pointer (cdr input)))])))
(define (amplify-loop phase) (define (amplify-loop phase)
(let* ([input (vector->list input)] (let* ([amps (map (curry resume-with-input (exec input)) phase)]
[amps (map (compose (curry state input 0) list) phase)] [Q (list->queue amps)])
[Q (make-queue)])
(map (curry enqueue! Q) amps)
(let loop ([signal 0]) (let loop ([signal 0])
(let* ([amp (dequeue! Q)]) (define amp (dequeue! Q))
(let-values ([(code signal amp) (type-case state amp
(exec-state (state-program amp) [halt (_) signal]
#:ptr (state-pointer amp) [in (resume)
#:in (rac (state-input amp) signal))]) (define-values (signal st)
(match code (resume-with-output (resume signal)))
['yield (enqueue! Q amp) (loop signal)] (enqueue! Q st)
['halt signal])))))) (loop signal)]
[else (error "amplify-loop: Unexpected program state.")]))))
(define part2 (define part2
(let ([phases (permutations '(5 6 7 8 9))]) (let ([phases (permutations '(5 6 7 8 9))])

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@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
(define input (define input
(string->program (car (problem-input 9)))) (string->program (car (problem-input 9))))
(define-values (_ part1) (define part1
(exec input #:in '(1))) (car (resume-with-io (exec input) '(1))))
(define-values (__ part2) (define part2
(exec input #:in '(2))) (car (resume-with-io (exec input) '(2))))
(show-solution (car part1) (car part2)) (show-solution part1 part2)

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@ -1,11 +1,8 @@
#lang racket #lang plai
(require racket/vector (require racket/vector
"../lib.rkt") "../lib.rkt")
(provide string->program
(define (vector-ref** vec pos) (define (vector-ref** vec pos)
(vector-ref* vec pos 0)) (vector-ref* vec pos 0))
@ -15,7 +12,38 @@
(define (string->program str) (define (string->program str)
(list->vector (map string->number (string-split str ",")))) (list->vector (map string->number (string-split str ","))))
;; exec* : program -> number -> number -> (listof number) -> (listof number) -> program (define (program? p)
(vectorof number?))
(define-type state
(out [value number?] [resume procedure?])
(in [resume procedure?])
(halt [program program?]))
(define (resume-with-output st)
(type-case state st
[out (value resume) (values value (resume))]
[else (error "resume-with-output: Unexpected program state.")]))
(define (resume-with-input st input)
(type-case state st
[in (resume) (resume input)]
[else (error "resume-with-input: Unexpected program state.")]))
(define (resume-with-io st inputs)
(type-case state st
[in (resume)
(resume-with-io (resume (car inputs)) (cdr inputs))]
[out (value resume)
(cons value (resume-with-io (resume) inputs))]
[halt (program) '()]))
(define (halt-with-program st)
(type-case state st
[halt (program) program]
[else (error "halt-with-program: Unexpected program state.")]))
;; exec* : program -> number -> number -> state
;; An encoded instruction is anywhere from 1 to 4 digits long. ;; An encoded instruction is anywhere from 1 to 4 digits long.
;; The last one or two digits represent the opcode, which can be: ;; The last one or two digits represent the opcode, which can be:
;; - 1/2: add/multiply parameters 1 and 2 and store in parameter 3 ;; - 1/2: add/multiply parameters 1 and 2 and store in parameter 3
@ -33,7 +61,7 @@
;; If the mode is 1, the value at pointer is immediate. ;; If the mode is 1, the value at pointer is immediate.
;; If the mode is 2, the value at pointer is an address to be offset by base. ;; If the mode is 2, the value at pointer is an address to be offset by base.
;; Note that leading zeroes in the encoded instruction are omitted. ;; Note that leading zeroes in the encoded instruction are omitted.
(define (exec* program #:ptr [pointer 0] #:base [base 0] #:in [input '()] #:out [output '()]) (define (exec* program #:ptr [pointer 0] #:base [base 0])
(define instruction (vector-ref** program pointer)) (define instruction (vector-ref** program pointer))
(define opcode (remainder instruction 100)) (define opcode (remainder instruction 100))
(define next-pointer (define next-pointer
@ -63,29 +91,33 @@
(let* ([arith (match opcode [1 +] [2 *])] (let* ([arith (match opcode [1 +] [2 *])]
[value (arith (v1) (v2))] [value (arith (v1) (v2))]
[program (vector-set!* program (l3) value)]) [program (vector-set!* program (l3) value)])
(exec* program #:ptr next-pointer #:base base #:in input #:out output))] (exec* program #:ptr next-pointer #:base base))]
[3 [3
(let* ([value (car input)] (let* ([resume
[input (cdr input)] (λ (input)
[program (vector-set!* program (l1) value)]) (vector-set!* program (l1) input)
(exec* program #:ptr next-pointer #:base base #:in input #:out output))] (exec* program #:ptr next-pointer #:base base))])
(in resume))]
[4 [4
(let* ([output (append output `(,(v1)))]) (let* ([output (v1)]
(exec* program #:ptr next-pointer #:base base #:in input #:out output))] [resume
(λ () (exec* program #:ptr next-pointer #:base base))])
(out output resume))]
[(or 5 6) [(or 5 6)
(let* ([jump-if (match opcode [5 nzero?] [6 zero?])] (let* ([jump-if (match opcode [5 nzero?] [6 zero?])]
[next-pointer (if (jump-if (v1)) (v2) next-pointer)]) [next-pointer (if (jump-if (v1)) (v2) next-pointer)])
(exec* program #:ptr next-pointer #:base base #:in input #:out output))] (exec* program #:ptr next-pointer #:base base))]
[(or 7 8) [(or 7 8)
(let* ([lt-eq (match opcode [7 <] [8 =])] (let* ([lt-eq (match opcode [7 <] [8 =])]
[value (if (lt-eq (v1) (v2)) 1 0)] [value (if (lt-eq (v1) (v2)) 1 0)]
[program (vector-set!* program (l3) value)]) [program (vector-set!* program (l3) value)])
(exec* program #:ptr next-pointer #:base base #:in input #:out output))] (exec* program #:ptr next-pointer #:base base))]
[9 [9
(let ([base (+ base (v1))]) (let ([base (+ base (v1))])
(exec* program #:ptr next-pointer #:base base #:in input #:out output))] (exec* program #:ptr next-pointer #:base base))]
[99 (values program output)]))) [99
(halt program)])))
;; Just so we always run the program on a fresh copy ;; Just so we always run the program on a fresh copy
(define (exec program #:ptr [pointer 0] #:base [base 0] #:in [input '()] #:out [output '()]) (define (exec program #:ptr [pointer 0] #:base [base 0])
(exec* (vector-copy program) #:ptr pointer #:base base #:in input #:out output)) (exec* (vector-copy program) #:ptr pointer #:base base))