Day 23
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ Approximate execution times of the hardest problems, compiled with `raco exe`.
| 15 | 3.81 |
| 15 | 3.81 |
| 16 | 20.6 |
| 16 | 20.6 |
| 19 | 75.7 |
| 19 | 75.7 |
| 23 | 15.8 |
@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
#lang curly-fn racket
(require "../lib.rkt"
(define elves
(for/fold ([elves (set)])
([row (problem-input 23)]
[y (in-naturals)])
(for/fold ([elves elves])
([col (string->list row)]
[x (in-naturals)])
(if (char=? col #\#)
(set-add elves `(,x ,y))
(define (grounds elves)
(define xmin (minimum (set-map elves first)))
(define xmax (maximum (set-map elves first)))
(define ymin (minimum (set-map elves second)))
(define ymax (maximum (set-map elves second)))
(- (* (add1 (- xmax xmin)) (add1 (- ymax ymin)))
(set-count elves)))
(define ((propose elves r) x y)
(define N `(,x ,(sub1 y)))
(define NE `(,(add1 x) ,(sub1 y)))
(define E `(,(add1 x) ,y))
(define SE `(,(add1 x) ,(add1 y)))
(define S `(,x ,(add1 y)))
(define SW `(,(sub1 x) ,(add1 y)))
(define W `(,(sub1 x) ,y))
(define NW `(,(sub1 x) ,(sub1 y)))
(match (% r 4)
[0 (cond
[(set-empty? (set-intersect elves (set N NE E SE S SW W NW))) `(,x ,y)]
[(andmap #{not (set-member? elves %)} (list N NE NW)) N]
[(andmap #{not (set-member? elves %)} (list S SE SW)) S]
[(andmap #{not (set-member? elves %)} (list W NW SW)) W]
[(andmap #{not (set-member? elves %)} (list E NE SE)) E]
[else `(,x ,y)])]
[1 (cond
[(set-empty? (set-intersect elves (set N NE E SE S SW W NW))) `(,x ,y)]
[(andmap #{not (set-member? elves %)} (list S SE SW)) S]
[(andmap #{not (set-member? elves %)} (list W NW SW)) W]
[(andmap #{not (set-member? elves %)} (list E NE SE)) E]
[(andmap #{not (set-member? elves %)} (list N NE NW)) N]
[else `(,x ,y)])]
[2 (cond
[(set-empty? (set-intersect elves (set N NE E SE S SW W NW))) `(,x ,y)]
[(andmap #{not (set-member? elves %)} (list W NW SW)) W]
[(andmap #{not (set-member? elves %)} (list E NE SE)) E]
[(andmap #{not (set-member? elves %)} (list N NE NW)) N]
[(andmap #{not (set-member? elves %)} (list S SE SW)) S]
[else `(,x ,y)])]
[3 (cond
[(set-empty? (set-intersect elves (set N NE E SE S SW W NW))) `(,x ,y)]
[(andmap #{not (set-member? elves %)} (list E NE SE)) E]
[(andmap #{not (set-member? elves %)} (list N NE NW)) N]
[(andmap #{not (set-member? elves %)} (list S SE SW)) S]
[(andmap #{not (set-member? elves %)} (list W NW SW)) W]
[else `(,x ,y)])]))
(define (proposals elves r)
(for/fold ([ps (make-immutable-hash)])
([elf elves])
(hash-update ps (apply (propose elves r) elf) #{cons elf %} '())))
(define (round elves r)
(for/fold ([elves* (set)])
([(p es) (proposals elves r)])
(match es
[`(,e1 ,e2) (set-add (set-add elves* e1) e2)]
[`(,e) (set-add elves* p)])))
(define part1
(for/fold ([elves elves]
#:result (grounds elves))
([r (in-range 10)])
(round elves r)))
(define part2
(let loop ([elves elves]
[r 1])
(define elves* (round elves r))
(if (set=? elves elves*) (add1 r) (loop elves* (add1 r)))))
(show-solution part1 part2)
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