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Day 20, Part 2.

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Chan 2020-12-20 12:02:02 -08:00 committed by Jonathan Chan
parent 023b9d7d73
commit 83be0e883b
2 changed files with 252 additions and 22 deletions

input/20-image.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@

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@ -4,37 +4,171 @@
(define input (map string-lines (problem-input-grouped 20))) (define input (map string-lines (problem-input-grouped 20)))
;; name: number?
;; image: image? = (listof (listof char?))
(struct tile (name image) #:transparent)
(define (parse-tile tile-strings) (define (parse-tile tile-strings)
(match-let ([`(,name ,rows ...) tile-strings]) (match-let ([`(,name ,rows ...) tile-strings])
(list (string->number (second (regexp-match #px"Tile (\\d+):" name))) (tile (string->number (second (regexp-match #px"Tile (\\d+):" name)))
(map string->list rows)))) (map string->list rows))))
(define tiles (define tiles (map parse-tile input))
(map parse-tile input)) (define dim (sqrt (length tiles)))
(define size (length (tile-image (first tiles))))
(define (tile-edges tile) ;; Orientations (rotated and flipped)
(match-let ([(list name rows) tile]) (define (o1 image) image)
(list name (list (first rows) (define (o2 image) (reverse image))
(map last rows) (define (o3 image) (map reverse image))
(reverse (last rows)) (define (o4 image) (reverse (map reverse image)))
(reverse (map first rows)))))) (define (o5 image) (map #{map (λ~> (list-ref %)) image} (range (length image))))
(define (o6 image) (map #{map (λ~> (list-ref %)) (reverse image)} (range (length image))))
(define (o7 image) (map #{map (λ~> (list-ref %)) image} (reverse (range (length image)))))
(define (o8 image) (map #{map (λ~> (list-ref %)) (reverse image)} (reverse (range (length image)))))
(define tiles-edges ;; Image fits top and left when not false, respectively
(map tile-edges tiles)) ;; fit-image: image? (or/c (listof char?) #f) (or/c (listof char?) #f) -> (or/c image? #f)
(define (fit-image image t l)
(define (left image) (map first image))
(or (let ([i (o1 image)]) (and (or (not t) (equal? (first i) t)) (or (not l) (equal? (left i) l)) i))
(let ([i (o2 image)]) (and (or (not t) (equal? (first i) t)) (or (not l) (equal? (left i) l)) i))
(let ([i (o3 image)]) (and (or (not t) (equal? (first i) t)) (or (not l) (equal? (left i) l)) i))
(let ([i (o4 image)]) (and (or (not t) (equal? (first i) t)) (or (not l) (equal? (left i) l)) i))
(let ([i (o5 image)]) (and (or (not t) (equal? (first i) t)) (or (not l) (equal? (left i) l)) i))
(let ([i (o6 image)]) (and (or (not t) (equal? (first i) t)) (or (not l) (equal? (left i) l)) i))
(let ([i (o7 image)]) (and (or (not t) (equal? (first i) t)) (or (not l) (equal? (left i) l)) i))
(let ([i (o8 image)]) (and (or (not t) (equal? (first i) t)) (or (not l) (equal? (left i) l)) i))))
(define (corner? edges tiles) ;; Tile's image fits top and left when not false, respectively
(let ([tiles (map second tiles)]) ;; fit-tile: tile? (or/c (listof char?) #f) (or/c (listof char?) #f) -> (or/c tile? #f)
(= 2 (count #{for/or ([target tiles]) (define (fit-tile t top left)
(or (member % target) (let ([image (fit-image (tile-image t) top left)])
(member (reverse %) target))} (and image (struct-copy tile t [image image]))))
;; Given the 0th to (i-1)th tiles, counting left-to-right then top-to-bottom,
;; find the remaining ith to last tiles that fit in the dim x dim grid
;; build-image: (hashof (list number? number?) tile?) number? -> (hashof (list number? number?) tile?)
(define (build-image image tiles i)
(let* ([r (quotient i dim)]
[c (remainder i dim)]
[top-tile (and (> r 0) (hash-ref image (list (sub1 r) c)))]
[left-tile (and (> c 0) (hash-ref image (list r (sub1 c))))]
[top (and top-tile (last (tile-image top-tile)))]
[left (and left-tile (map last (tile-image left-tile)))])
(for/or ([tile tiles])
(let* ([tile* (fit-tile tile top left)]
[image (hash-set image (list r c) tile*)])
(and tile* (or (and (= (add1 i) (* dim dim)) image)
(build-image image (remove tile tiles) (add1 i))))))))
;; corner?: tile? -> boolean?
(define (corner? tile)
(define (edges tile)
(let ([image (tile-image tile)])
(list (first image) (last image)
(map first image) (map last image))))
(let ([tile-edges (edges tile)])
(= 2 (count #{for/or ([other (remove tile tiles)])
(let ([other-edges (edges other)])
(or (member % other-edges)
(member (reverse %) other-edges)))}
;; Find a corner piece
;; corner: tile?
(define corner
(for/first ([tile tiles]
#:when (corner? tile))
;; A mapping from positions in the layout to the correctly-oriented tile
;; (hashof (list number? number?) tile?)
(define image-hash
(let ([corner (λ (o) (struct-copy tile corner [image (o (tile-image corner))]))]
[tiles (remove corner tiles)])
(or (build-image (hash (list 0 0) (corner o1)) tiles 1)
(build-image (hash (list 0 0) (corner o2)) tiles 1)
(build-image (hash (list 0 0) (corner o3)) tiles 1)
(build-image (hash (list 0 0) (corner o4)) tiles 1))))
;; The full image with borders removed
;; image: (listof (listof char?))
(define image
(for/fold ([image '()]
#:result (o4 image))
([r dim])
(append image
(for/fold ([rows (make-list (- size 2) '())])
([c dim])
(let* ([image (tile-image (hash-ref image-hash (list r c)))]
[image (map #{drop-right (drop % 1) 1} (drop-right (drop image 1) 1))])
(map append rows image))))))
(define dimsize (length image))
(define image-vectors (lists->vectors image))
(define (vector-pos r c) (vector-ref (vector-ref image-vectors r) c))
#| (r, c) = O
# ## ## O## <--- friend
# # # # # #
(define (sea-monster-coords r c)
(list `(,(- r 1) ,(+ c 1))
`(,r ,c)
`(,r ,(+ c 1))
`(,r ,(+ c 2))
`(,r ,(- c 5))
`(,r ,(- c 6))
`(,r ,(- c 11))
`(,r ,(- c 12))
`(,r ,(- c 17))
`(,(+ r 1) ,(- c 1))
`(,(+ r 1) ,(- c 4))
`(,(+ r 1) ,(- c 7))
`(,(+ r 1) ,(- c 10))
`(,(+ r 1) ,(- c 13))
`(,(+ r 1) ,(- c 16))))
;; sea-monster?: number? number? -> boolean?
(define (sea-monster? r c)
(define (pound? c) (char=? c #\#))
(andmap #{pound? (vector-pos (first %) (second %))}
(sea-monster-coords r c)))
;; A list of the neck coordinates of sea monsters
;; sea-monsters: (listof (list number? number?))
(define sea-monsters
(for*/list ([r (range 1 (sub1 dimsize))]
[c (range 17 (- dimsize 2))]
#:when (and (andmap #{char=? (vector-pos r %)}
(range c (+ c 3)))
(sea-monster? r c)))
(list r c)))
;; Replace the # of a sea monster with O in image-vectors
(define (reveal-sea-monster! r c)
(for-each #{vector-set! (vector-ref image-vectors (first %)) (second %) #\O}
(sea-monster-coords r c)))
;; Reveal the sea monsters in image-vectors, then write to file
(define (draw-sea-monsters!)
(for-each #{reveal-sea-monster! (first %) (second %)} sea-monsters)
(map (λ~> vector->list list->string)
(vector->list image-vectors))
#:exists 'replace))
(define part1 (define part1
(for/product ([tile tiles-edges] (* (tile-name (hash-ref image-hash (list 0 0)))
#:when (corner? (second tile) (tile-name (hash-ref image-hash (list 0 (sub1 dim))))
(remove tile tiles-edges))) (tile-name (hash-ref image-hash (list (sub1 dim) 0)))
(first tile))) (tile-name (hash-ref image-hash (list (sub1 dim) (sub1 dim))))))
(define part2 #f) (define part2
(- (count #{char=? % #\#} (apply append image))
(* (length sea-monsters) 15)))
(show-solution part1 part2) (show-solution part1 part2)