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Day 24 refactoring

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Chan 2022-12-24 11:51:25 -08:00
parent f8b314b156
commit 789c571f7a
2 changed files with 47 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ Approximate execution times of the hardest problems, compiled with `raco exe`.
| 16 | 20.6 | | 16 | 20.6 |
| 19 | 75.7 | | 19 | 75.7 |
| 23 | 14.0 | | 23 | 14.0 |
| 24 | 747 | | 24 | 4.12 |

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@ -3,86 +3,70 @@
(require "../lib.rkt" (require "../lib.rkt"
data/queue) data/queue)
(define test
(list "#.######"
(define input (problem-input 24)) (define input (problem-input 24))
(define blizzards (define-values (xblizzards yblizzards)
(for/fold ([blizzards (make-immutable-hash)]) (for/fold ([xblizzards (make-immutable-hash)]
[yblizzards (make-immutable-hash)])
([row input] ([row input]
[y (in-naturals)]) [y (in-naturals)])
(for/fold ([blizzards blizzards]) (for/fold ([xblizzards xblizzards]
[yblizzards yblizzards])
([col (string->list row)] ([col (string->list row)]
[x (in-naturals)]) [x (in-naturals)])
(if ((or/c #\> #\< #\^ #\v) col) (define x* (sub1 x))
(hash-update blizzards `(,x ,y) #{cons col %} '()) (define y* (sub1 y))
blizzards)))) (match col
[(or #\< #\>)
(values xblizzards (hash-update yblizzards y* #{cons (list x* col) %} '()))]
[(or #\^ #\v)
(values (hash-update xblizzards x* #{cons (list y* col) %} '()) yblizzards)]
[else (values xblizzards yblizzards)]))))
(define xmax (- (string-length (first input)) 2)) (define xmax (- (string-length (first input)) 2))
(define ymax (- (length input) 2)) (define ymax (- (length input) 2))
(define start '(1 0)) (define start '(0 -1))
(define end `(,xmax ,(add1 ymax))) (define end `(,(sub1 xmax) ,ymax))
(define (show blizzards) (define (blizzard? x y t)
(for ([y (in-inclusive-range 1 ymax)]) (or (for/or ([yb (hash-ref xblizzards x '())])
(for ([x (in-inclusive-range 1 xmax)]) (match yb
(display (first (hash-ref blizzards (list x y) '(#\.))))) [`(,y* #\^) (= y (% (- y* t) ymax))]
(newline))) [`(,y* #\v) (= y (% (+ y* t) ymax))]))
(for/or ([xb (hash-ref yblizzards y '())])
(match xb
[`(,x* #\<) (= x (% (- x* t) xmax))]
[`(,x* #\>) (= x (% (+ x* t) xmax))]))))
(define (step blizzards) (define (clears x y t)
(for*/fold ([blizzards* (make-immutable-hash)]) (filter #{match-let ([(and `(,@xy ,t) `(,x ,y ,t)) %])
([(xy bs) blizzards] (or (and (<= 0 x) (< x xmax)
[b bs]) (<= 0 y) (< y ymax)
(match (list xy b) (not (blizzard? x y t)))
[`((,x ,y) #\>)
(define x* (if (= x xmax) 1 (add1 x)))
(hash-update blizzards* `(,x* ,y) #{cons #\> %} '())]
[`((,x ,y) #\<)
(define x* (if (= x 1) xmax (sub1 x)))
(hash-update blizzards* `(,x* ,y) #{cons #\< %} '())]
[`((,x ,y) #\v)
(define y* (if (= y ymax) 1 (add1 y)))
(hash-update blizzards* `(,x ,y*) #{cons #\v %} '())]
[`((,x ,y) #\^)
(define y* (if (= y 1) ymax (sub1 y)))
(hash-update blizzards* `(,x ,y*) #{cons #\^ %} '())])))
(define (clears blizzards x y)
(filter #{match-let ([(and xy `(,x ,y)) %])
(or (and (<= 1 x xmax)
(<= 1 y ymax)
(empty? (hash-ref blizzards xy '())))
(equal? xy start) (equal? xy start)
(equal? xy end))} (equal? xy end))}
`((,x ,y) `((,x ,y ,t)
(,(add1 x) ,y) (,(add1 x) ,y ,t)
(,(sub1 x) ,y) (,(sub1 x) ,y ,t)
(,x ,(add1 y)) (,x ,(add1 y) ,t)
(,x ,(sub1 y))))) (,x ,(sub1 y) ,t))))
(define (wayfind blizzards start end) (define (wayfind start end t)
(define Q (make-queue)) (define Q (make-queue))
(enqueue! Q `(,start ,0 ,blizzards)) (enqueue! Q `(,@start ,t))
(let loop ([seen (set)]) (let loop ([seen (set)])
(match (dequeue! Q) (match (dequeue! Q)
[`(,xy ,t ,blizzards) #:when (equal? xy end) (values blizzards t)] [`(,@xy ,t) #:when (equal? xy end) t]
[`((,x ,y) ,t ,_) #:when (set-member? seen `(,x ,y ,t)) (loop seen)] [xyt #:when (set-member? seen xyt) (loop seen)]
[`((,x ,y) ,t ,blizzards) [(and xyt `(,x ,y ,t))
(define blizzards* (step blizzards)) (for ([clear (clears x y (add1 t))])
(for ([clear (clears blizzards* x y)]) (enqueue! Q clear))
(enqueue! Q `(,clear ,(add1 t) ,blizzards*))) (loop (set-add seen xyt))])))
(loop (set-add seen `(,x ,y ,t)))])))
(define-values (part1 part2) (define-values (part1 part2)
(let*-values ([(blizzards t1) (wayfind blizzards start end)] (let* ([t1 (wayfind start end 0)]
[(blizzards t2) (wayfind blizzards end start)] [t2 (wayfind end start t1)]
[(blizzards t3) (wayfind blizzards start end)]) [t3 (wayfind start end t2)])
(values t1 (+ t1 t2 t3)))) (values t1 t3)))
(show-solution part1 part2) (show-solution part1 part2)