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Day 15: Done finally.

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Chan 2021-12-15 01:20:00 -08:00 committed by Jonathan Chan
parent 83a7afd976
commit 4a6bb35627
3 changed files with 49 additions and 39 deletions


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@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
#lang curly-fn racket
(require "../lib.rkt")
(define input
(for/vector ([row (problem-input 15)])
(for/vector ([col (string->list row)])
(char->number col))))
(define dim (vector-length input))
(define (grid-ref dim row col)
(define row* (remainder row dim))
(define col* (remainder col dim))
(define offset (+ (quotient row dim) (quotient col dim)))
(define v (+ offset (vector-ref (vector-ref input row*) col*)))
(if (> v 9) (add1 (% v 10)) v))
(define (adjs dim row col)
(filter #{and (<= 0 (car %) (sub1 dim)) (<= 0 (cdr %) (sub1 dim))}
`((,(add1 row) . ,col) (,(sub1 row) . ,col) (,row . ,(add1 col)) (,row . ,(sub1 col)))))
(define (find-shortest-path-weight dim)
(for/fold ([weights (hash '(0 . 0) 0)]
#:result (hash-ref weights `(,(sub1 dim) . ,(sub1 dim))))
([diag (range* 0 (+ dim dim))])
(for/fold ([weights weights])
([row (range* 0 diag 1)]
[col (range* diag 0 -1)]
#:when (and (< row dim) (< col dim)))
(for/fold ([weights weights])
([adj (adjs dim row col)])
(match-let* ([(cons row* col*) adj]
[weight (+ (grid-ref dim row* col*)
(hash-ref weights (cons row col)))])
(hash-update weights adj #{if (< weight %) weight %} +inf.0))))))
(show-solution (find-shortest-path-weight dim)
(find-shortest-path-weight (* dim 5)))

src/15.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#lang curly-fn racket
(require graph
(except-in "../lib.rkt" transpose))
(define input
(for/vector ([row (problem-input 15)])
(for/vector ([col (string->list row)])
(char->number col))))
(define dim (vector-length input))
(define (grid-ref row col)
(define row* (remainder row dim))
(define col* (remainder col dim))
(define offset (+ (quotient row dim) (quotient col dim)))
(define v (+ offset (vector-ref (vector-ref input row*) col*)))
(if (> v 9) (add1 (% v 10)) v))
(define (adjs dim row col)
(filter #{and (<= 0 (car %) (sub1 dim)) (<= 0 (cdr %) (sub1 dim))}
`((,(add1 row) . ,col) (,(sub1 row) . ,col) (,row . ,(add1 col)) (,row . ,(sub1 col)))))
(for/fold ([weights (hash '(0 . 0) 0)]
#:result (printf "Part 1: ~a\n" (hash-ref weights `(,(sub1 dim) . ,(sub1 dim)))))
([diag (range* 0 (+ dim dim))])
(for/fold ([weights weights])
([row (range* 0 diag 1)]
[col (range* diag 0 -1)]
#:when (and (< row dim) (< col dim)))
(for/fold ([weights weights])
([adj (adjs dim row col)])
(match-let* ([(cons row* col*) adj]
[weight (+ (grid-ref row* col*)
(hash-ref weights (cons row col)))])
(hash-update weights adj #{if (< weight %) weight %} +inf.0)))))
(define (make-graph dim)
(define graph (weighted-graph/directed '()))
(for* ([row (range dim)]
[col (range dim)]
[adj (adjs dim row col)])
(add-directed-edge! graph (cons row col) adj (grid-ref (car adj) (cdr adj))))
(displayln "Graph created.")
(let*-values ([(dim) (* dim 5)]
[(weights paths) (dijkstra (make-graph dim) '(0 . 0))])
(printf "Part 2: ~a\n" (hash-ref weights `(,(sub1 dim) . ,(sub1 dim)))))