diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8acb17 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +**/*.bak +**/*.rkt~ +**/*.txt~ +**/*.exe +**/compiled/ diff --git a/lib.rkt b/lib.rkt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af62598 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib.rkt @@ -0,0 +1,274 @@ +#lang racket + +(require + threading + (only-in data/queue + make-queue + enqueue!) + (only-in 2htdp/batch-io + read-lines + read-file)) + +(provide (all-from-out threading) + (all-defined-out)) + + +;; Function helpers ;; + +(define ∘ compose) +(define ∂ curry) +(define ∂r curryr) + +;; uncurry : (a1 -> ... -> an -> b) -> ((listof a) -> b) +(define uncurry + (curry apply)) +(define $ uncurry) + +;; iterate : (a -> a) -> number -> (a -> a) +(define ((iterate f n) a) + (let loop ([a a] [n n]) + (if (zero? n) a (loop (f a) (sub1 n))))) + + +;; IO helpers ;; + +;; problem-input : number? -> (listof string?) +;; Return contents of input file input/xx.txt as lines of strings. +(define (problem-input n [suffix ""]) + (let* ([filename (~a n #:min-width 2 #:align 'right #:left-pad-string "0")] + [path (string-append "../input/" filename suffix ".txt")]) + (read-lines path))) + +;; problem-input-all : number? -> string? +;; Return contents of input file input/xx.txt as a single string. +(define (problem-input-all n [suffix ""]) + (let* ([filename (~a n #:min-width 2 #:align 'right #:left-pad-string "0")] + [path (string-append "../input/" filename suffix ".txt")]) + (read-file path))) + +;; problem-input-grouped : number? -> (listof string?) +;; Return contents of input file input/xx.txt as a list of strings, +;; where each string is a group of lines separated by newlines. +(define (problem-input-grouped n [suffix ""]) + (string-split (problem-input-all n suffix) "\n\n")) + +;; show-solution : a -> b -> void +;; Print part1 and part2 on separate lines. +(define (show-solution part1 part2) + (printf "Part 1: ~a\nPart 2: ~a\n" part1 part2)) + + +;; String helpers ;; + +;; string->number* : (or/c string? #f) -> (or/c number? #f) +(define (string->number* s) + (and (string? s) (string->number s))) + +;; string->symbol* : (or/c string? #f) -> (or/c symbol? #f) +(define (string->symbol* s) + (and (string? s) (string->symbol s))) + +;; string->binary : string? -> number? +;; Given a string representation of a binary number, +;; convert it to the number it represents +(define (string->binary str) + (string->number (string-append "#b" str))) + +;; string->vector : string? -> (vectorof char?) +(define (string->vector str) + (list->vector (string->list str))) + +;; string-replaces : string? -> (listof (list? string? string?)) -> string +;; Perform string replacements in order, +;; so that later replacments may affect earlier ones +(define (string-replaces str replaces) + (if (empty? replaces) + str + (string-replaces (string-replace str + (caar replaces) + (cadar replaces)) + (rest replaces)))) + +;; string-lines : string? -> (listof string?) +(define (string-lines str) + (string-split str "\n")) + +;; string-csv : string? -> [string? -> a] -> (listof a) +(define (string-csv str [f identity]) + (map f (string-split str ","))) + + +;; Char helpers ;; + +;; nchar=? : char -> char -> boolean +(define (nchar=? c1 c2) + (not (char=? c1 c2))) + +;; char-alphanumeric? : char -> boolean +(define (char-alphanumeric? c) + (or (char-alphabetic? c) + (char-numeric? c))) + + +;; Number helpers ;; + +;; sum : (listof number) -> number +(define (sum ns) (apply + ns)) + +;; != : number -> number -> boolean +(define (!= n1 n2) + (not (= n1 n2))) + +;; nzero? : number -> boolean +(define (nzero? n) + (not (zero? n))) + +;; negate : number -> number +(define (negate n) + (- 0 n)) + +;; pos-or-zero : number -> number +(define (pos-or-zero n) + (if (negative? n) 0 n)) + +;; % : number -> number -> number +(define % modulo) + +;; number->digits-reverse : number -> (listof number) +;; Return the digits of the given number in reverse order (i.e. RTL) +(define (number->digits-reverse n) + (if (< n 10) + (list n) + (cons (remainder n 10) + (number->digits-reverse (quotient n 10))))) + +;; number->digits : number -> (listof number) +;; Return the digits of the given number (LTR) +(define (number->digits n) + (reverse (number->digits-reverse n))) + +;; digits->number : (listof number) -> number +;; Return the given digits as a number +(define (digits->number ns) + (let loop ([n 0] [ns ns]) + (if (empty? ns) n + (loop (+ (* n 10) (car ns)) (cdr ns))))) + + +;; List helpers ;; + +;; singleton? : (listof any) -> boolean +(define (singleton? lst) + (= 1 (length lst))) + +;; snoc : (listof any) -> any -> (listof any) +;; Append element to the back of the list. +(define (snoc lst v) + (append lst (list v))) + +;; scanl : (a -> a -> a) -> (listof a) -> (listof a) +;; foldl that accumulates partial results in a list +(define (scanl f init lst) + (reverse + (foldl (λ (v lst) + (cons (f v (first lst)) lst)) + (list init) lst))) + +;; scanr : (a -> a -> a) -> (listof a) -> (listof a) +;; foldr that accumulates partial results in a list +(define (scanr f init lst) + (reverse + (foldr (λ (v lst) + (cons (f v (first lst)) lst)) + (list init) lst))) + +;; list-ref* : (listof a) -> number -> a -> a +;; Same as list-ref, except a default value is provided +;; if the index is beyond the length of the list. +(define (list-ref* lst pos failure-result) + (if (>= pos (length lst)) + failure-result + (list-ref lst pos))) + +;; repeat : number -> (listof any) -> (listof any) +(define (repeat m lst) + (if (zero? m) '() + (append lst (repeat (sub1 m) lst)))) + +;; chunks-of : (listof any) -> nonzero? -> (listof (listof any)) +;; Partitions a list into lists of the given size in order, +;; with the final list possibly being smaller +;; e.g. '(1 2 3 4 5) 2 => '((1 2) (3 4) (5)) +(define (chunks-of lst size) + (if (< (length lst) size) lst + (cons (take lst size) + (chunks-of (drop lst size) size)))) + +;; transpose : (listof (listof any)) -> (listof (listof any)) +;; Turns a list of lists into a list of lists of +;; the first elements of the lists, ..., the nth elements +;; where n is the length of the shortest list. +;; In short, it transposes a list of rows into a list of columns. +;; e.g. '((1 2 3 4) '((1 5 8) +;; (5 6 7) => (2 6 9) +;; (8 9 10 11 12)) (3 7 10)) +(define (transpose lists) + (let* ([min-len (apply min (map length lists))] + [lists (map (λ (lst) (take lst min-len)) lists)]) + (apply map list lists))) + +;; list->queue : (listof a) -> (queueof a) +;; Creates a queue and adds elements of list in order +(define (list->queue lst) + (let ([Q (make-queue)]) + (for-each (∂ enqueue! Q) lst) + Q)) + + +;; Vector helpers ;; + +;; vector-first : (vectorof any) -> any +(define (vector-first vec) + (vector-ref vec 0)) + +;; vector-last : (vectorof any) -> any +(define (vector-last vec) + (vector-ref vec (sub1 (vector-length vec)))) + +;; vector-ref* : (vectorof any) -> number -> any -> any +;; Same as list-ref, except a default value is provided +;; if the index is beyond the length of the list. +(define (vector-ref* vec pos failure-result) + (if (>= pos (vector-length vec)) + failure-result + (vector-ref vec pos))) + +;; vector-set!* : (vectorof any) -> number -> any -> (vectorof any) +;; Set the value at given index in a new vector, then return that vector +;; If the index is beyond the indices of the vector, +;; a vector that can accomodate that index is returned, +;; with all the original elements and the element at the index set +(define (vector-set!* vec pos v) + (let ([new-vec (make-vector (max (vector-length vec) (add1 pos)))]) + (vector-copy! new-vec 0 vec) + (vector-set! new-vec pos v) + new-vec)) + +;; hash->vector : (hashof (number => a)) -> (vectorof a) +;; Convert an intmap into a mutable vector +(define (hash->vector hash [default 0]) + (let ([length (add1 (apply max (hash-keys hash)))]) + (build-vector length (λ (i) (hash-ref hash i default))))) + +;; vector->hash : (vectorof a) -> (hashof (number => a)) +;; Convert a vector into an immutable intmap +(define (vector->hash vec) + (let ([kvs (map cons (range (vector-length vec)) (vector->list vec))]) + (make-immutable-hash kvs))) + +;; vector-index-where : (vectorof a) -> (a -> boolean) -> a +;; Return the first element of the vector that satisfies the given predicate +(define (vector-index-where vec p) + (for/first ([i (vector-length vec)] + #:when (p (vector-ref vec i))) + i)) diff --git a/stats.rkt b/stats.rkt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5004778 --- /dev/null +++ b/stats.rkt @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +#lang curly-fn racket + +(require threading + (only-in 2htdp/batch-io + read-lines)) + +(define (source-input n) + (let* ([filename (~a n #:min-width 2 #:align 'right #:left-pad-string "0")] + [path (string-append "src/" filename ".rkt")]) + (read-lines path))) + +(define srcs + (~>> (range 1 11) + (map (λ~>> source-input + (filter non-empty-string?))))) + +(define src-lengths (map length srcs)) + +(define src-widths + (~>> srcs + (apply append) + (map string-length) + (sort _ <=))) + +(define src-widths-string + (string-join (map number->string src-widths) ",")) diff --git a/template.rkt b/template.rkt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..30c6750 --- /dev/null +++ b/template.rkt @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#lang curly-fn racket + +(require "lib.rkt") + +(define (parse in) in) + +(define input (parse (problem-input 0))) + +(define part1 #f) + +(define part2 #f) + +(show-solution part1 part2) +