Day 7 - refactored for clarity
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,20 +1,41 @@
import Data.HashMap (Map, fromList, toList, delete, findWithDefault)
import Data.HashMap (Map, fromList, toList, delete, findWithDefault)
import Data.List.Split
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Tree (Tree(..), unfoldTree, drawTree)
import Data.Tree (Tree(..), Forest, unfoldTree, drawTree)
type Weight = Int
type Weight = Int
type Program = String
type Program = String
type Programs = [Program]
type Programs = [Program]
discardEmpty :: [String] -> [String]
discardEmpty :: [String] -> [String]
discardEmpty [""] = []
discardEmpty [""] = []
discardEmpty xs = xs
discardEmpty xs = xs
minOrZero :: Int -> Int -> Int
minOrZero x 0 = x
minOrZero 0 y = y
minOrZero x y = min x y
getWeights :: Forest (Weight, Int) -> [Weight]
getWeights ts = fmap (\(Node (_, weight) _) -> weight) ts
findRootWithWeight :: Int -> Forest (Weight, Int) -> Weight
findRootWithWeight w ts = foldr (\(Node (root, weight) _) acc -> if weight == w then root else acc) 0 ts
-- input: [Weight > 0] where all weights are the same except one
-- output: (difference between the median weight and the minority weight, the minority weight)
getDiffMinority :: [Int] -> (Int, Int)
getDiffMinority ns =
let diffs = filter (/= 0) $ map (+ (- head ns)) ns
in case length diffs of
0 -> (0, -1)
1 -> (- head diffs, head ns + head diffs)
_ -> ( head diffs, head ns)
parseLine :: String -> (Program, (Weight, Programs))
parseLine :: String -> (Program, (Weight, Programs))
parseLine line =
parseLine line =
let nameAndWeight : programsString : _ = splitOn ")" line
let nameAndWeight : programsString : _ = splitOn ")" line
name : weight : _ = splitOn " (" nameAndWeight
programs = discardEmpty $ splitOn ", " $ last $ splitOn " -> " programsString
programs = discardEmpty $ splitOn ", " $ last $ splitOn " -> " programsString
name : weight : _ = splitOn " (" nameAndWeight
in (name, (read weight, programs))
in (name, (read weight, programs))
getBottom :: Map Program (Weight, Programs) -> [(Program, (Weight, Programs))] -> Program
getBottom :: Map Program (Weight, Programs) -> [(Program, (Weight, Programs))] -> Program
@ -24,49 +45,35 @@ getBottom m l = bottomName
(\(name, (_, programs)) set ->
(\(name, (_, programs)) set ->
case programs of
case programs of
[] -> delete name set
[] -> delete name set
ps -> foldr delete set ps)
ps -> foldr delete set ps)
m l
m l
mapToTree :: Map Program (Weight, Programs) -> Program -> Tree Weight
mapToTree :: Map Program (Weight, Programs) -> Program -> Tree Weight
mapToTree m = unfoldTree (\s -> findWithDefault undefined s m)
mapToTree m = unfoldTree (\s -> findWithDefault undefined s m)
cumulate :: Tree Int -> Tree (Int, Int)
cumulate :: Tree Weight -> Tree (Weight, Int)
cumulate (Node root forest) =
cumulate (Node root forest) =
let newForest = map cumulate forest
let newForest = map cumulate forest
cumulativeWeight = foldr (\(Node (_, subWeight) _) weight -> weight + subWeight) 0 newForest
cumulativeWeight = (+ root) . sum $ getWeights newForest
in Node { rootLabel = (root, cumulativeWeight + root), subForest = newForest }
in Node { rootLabel = (root, cumulativeWeight), subForest = newForest }
findUnbalanced :: Tree (Int, Int) -> Int
findUnbalanced (Node _ forest) =
let (diff, notMedian) = getDiffMedian $ fmap (\(Node (_, subWeight) _) -> subWeight) forest
unbalanced = diff + foldr (\(Node (subRoot, subWeight) _) acc -> if subWeight == notMedian then subRoot else acc) 0 forest
subUnbalanced = sum $ map findUnbalanced forest
in minOrZero unbalanced subUnbalanced
minOrZero :: Int -> Int -> Int
minOrZero 0 0 = 0
minOrZero x 0 = x
minOrZero 0 y = y
minOrZero x y = min x y
getDiffMedian :: [Int] -> (Int, Int)
getDiffMedian ns =
let diffs = filter (/= 0) $ map (+ (- head ns)) ns
in case length diffs of
0 -> (0, -1)
1 -> (- head diffs, head ns + head diffs)
_ -> ( head diffs, head ns)
findBalanced :: Tree (Weight, Int) -> Int
findBalanced (Node _ forest) =
let (diff, minority) = getDiffMinority $ getWeights forest
balanced = diff + findRootWithWeight minority forest
subBalanced = sum $ map findBalanced forest
in minOrZero balanced subBalanced
main :: IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
main = do
input <- readFile "7.txt"
input <- readFile "7.txt"
let programsList = map parseLine $ lines input
let programsList = map parseLine $ lines input
programsMap = fromList programsList
programsMap = fromList programsList
bottomName = getBottom programsMap programsList
bottomName = getBottom programsMap programsList
programsTree = mapToTree programsMap bottomName
balanced = findBalanced . cumulate $ mapToTree programsMap bottomName
cumulateTree = cumulate programsTree
-- programsTree = mapToTree programsMap bottomName
unbalanced = findUnbalanced cumulateTree
-- cumulateTree = cumulate programsTree
print $ bottomName
print $ bottomName
writeFile "7_tree.txt" $ drawTree $ fmap show programsTree
print $ balanced
writeFile "7_cumulate.txt" $ drawTree $ fmap show cumulateTree
-- writeFile "7_tree.txt" $ drawTree $ fmap show programsTree
print $ unbalanced
-- writeFile "7_cumulate.txt" $ drawTree $ fmap show cumulateTree
Reference in New Issue