Day 24 refactoring

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Chan 2022-12-24 11:51:25 -08:00
parent 71c02467a4
commit d4191bc387
2 changed files with 47 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ Approximate execution times of the hardest problems, compiled with `raco exe`.
| 16 | 20.6 |
| 19 | 75.7 |
| 23 | 14.0 |
| 24 | 747 |
| 24 | 4.12 |

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@ -3,86 +3,70 @@
(require "../lib.rkt"
(define test
(list "#.######"
(define input (problem-input 24))
(define blizzards
(for/fold ([blizzards (make-immutable-hash)])
(define-values (xblizzards yblizzards)
(for/fold ([xblizzards (make-immutable-hash)]
[yblizzards (make-immutable-hash)])
([row input]
[y (in-naturals)])
(for/fold ([blizzards blizzards])
(for/fold ([xblizzards xblizzards]
[yblizzards yblizzards])
([col (string->list row)]
[x (in-naturals)])
(if ((or/c #\> #\< #\^ #\v) col)
(hash-update blizzards `(,x ,y) #{cons col %} '())
(define x* (sub1 x))
(define y* (sub1 y))
(match col
[(or #\< #\>)
(values xblizzards (hash-update yblizzards y* #{cons (list x* col) %} '()))]
[(or #\^ #\v)
(values (hash-update xblizzards x* #{cons (list y* col) %} '()) yblizzards)]
[else (values xblizzards yblizzards)]))))
(define xmax (- (string-length (first input)) 2))
(define ymax (- (length input) 2))
(define start '(1 0))
(define end `(,xmax ,(add1 ymax)))
(define start '(0 -1))
(define end `(,(sub1 xmax) ,ymax))
(define (show blizzards)
(for ([y (in-inclusive-range 1 ymax)])
(for ([x (in-inclusive-range 1 xmax)])
(display (first (hash-ref blizzards (list x y) '(#\.)))))
(define (blizzard? x y t)
(or (for/or ([yb (hash-ref xblizzards x '())])
(match yb
[`(,y* #\^) (= y (% (- y* t) ymax))]
[`(,y* #\v) (= y (% (+ y* t) ymax))]))
(for/or ([xb (hash-ref yblizzards y '())])
(match xb
[`(,x* #\<) (= x (% (- x* t) xmax))]
[`(,x* #\>) (= x (% (+ x* t) xmax))]))))
(define (step blizzards)
(for*/fold ([blizzards* (make-immutable-hash)])
([(xy bs) blizzards]
[b bs])
(match (list xy b)
[`((,x ,y) #\>)
(define x* (if (= x xmax) 1 (add1 x)))
(hash-update blizzards* `(,x* ,y) #{cons #\> %} '())]
[`((,x ,y) #\<)
(define x* (if (= x 1) xmax (sub1 x)))
(hash-update blizzards* `(,x* ,y) #{cons #\< %} '())]
[`((,x ,y) #\v)
(define y* (if (= y ymax) 1 (add1 y)))
(hash-update blizzards* `(,x ,y*) #{cons #\v %} '())]
[`((,x ,y) #\^)
(define y* (if (= y 1) ymax (sub1 y)))
(hash-update blizzards* `(,x ,y*) #{cons #\^ %} '())])))
(define (clears blizzards x y)
(filter #{match-let ([(and xy `(,x ,y)) %])
(or (and (<= 1 x xmax)
(<= 1 y ymax)
(empty? (hash-ref blizzards xy '())))
(define (clears x y t)
(filter #{match-let ([(and `(,@xy ,t) `(,x ,y ,t)) %])
(or (and (<= 0 x) (< x xmax)
(<= 0 y) (< y ymax)
(not (blizzard? x y t)))
(equal? xy start)
(equal? xy end))}
`((,x ,y)
(,(add1 x) ,y)
(,(sub1 x) ,y)
(,x ,(add1 y))
(,x ,(sub1 y)))))
`((,x ,y ,t)
(,(add1 x) ,y ,t)
(,(sub1 x) ,y ,t)
(,x ,(add1 y) ,t)
(,x ,(sub1 y) ,t))))
(define (wayfind blizzards start end)
(define (wayfind start end t)
(define Q (make-queue))
(enqueue! Q `(,start ,0 ,blizzards))
(enqueue! Q `(,@start ,t))
(let loop ([seen (set)])
(match (dequeue! Q)
[`(,xy ,t ,blizzards) #:when (equal? xy end) (values blizzards t)]
[`((,x ,y) ,t ,_) #:when (set-member? seen `(,x ,y ,t)) (loop seen)]
[`((,x ,y) ,t ,blizzards)
(define blizzards* (step blizzards))
(for ([clear (clears blizzards* x y)])
(enqueue! Q `(,clear ,(add1 t) ,blizzards*)))
(loop (set-add seen `(,x ,y ,t)))])))
[`(,@xy ,t) #:when (equal? xy end) t]
[xyt #:when (set-member? seen xyt) (loop seen)]
[(and xyt `(,x ,y ,t))
(for ([clear (clears x y (add1 t))])
(enqueue! Q clear))
(loop (set-add seen xyt))])))
(define-values (part1 part2)
(let*-values ([(blizzards t1) (wayfind blizzards start end)]
[(blizzards t2) (wayfind blizzards end start)]
[(blizzards t3) (wayfind blizzards start end)])
(values t1 (+ t1 t2 t3))))
(let* ([t1 (wayfind start end 0)]
[t2 (wayfind end start t1)]
[t3 (wayfind start end t2)])
(values t1 t3)))
(show-solution part1 part2)