Day 14.
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
OS -> N
KO -> O
SK -> B
NV -> N
SH -> V
OB -> V
HH -> F
HP -> H
BP -> O
HS -> K
SN -> B
PS -> C
BS -> K
CF -> H
SO -> C
NO -> H
PP -> H
SS -> P
KV -> B
KN -> V
CC -> S
HK -> H
FN -> C
OO -> K
CH -> H
CP -> V
HB -> N
VC -> S
SP -> F
BO -> F
SF -> H
VO -> B
FF -> P
CN -> O
NP -> H
KK -> N
OP -> S
BH -> F
CB -> V
HC -> P
KH -> V
OV -> V
NK -> S
PN -> F
VV -> N
HO -> S
KS -> C
FP -> F
FH -> F
BB -> C
FB -> V
SB -> K
KP -> B
FS -> C
KC -> P
SC -> C
VF -> F
VN -> B
CK -> C
KF -> H
NS -> C
FV -> K
HV -> B
HF -> K
ON -> S
CV -> N
BV -> F
NB -> N
NN -> F
BF -> N
VB -> V
VS -> K
BK -> V
VP -> P
PB -> F
KB -> C
VK -> O
NF -> F
FO -> F
PH -> N
VH -> B
HN -> B
FK -> K
PO -> H
CO -> B
FC -> V
OK -> F
OF -> V
PF -> F
BC -> B
BN -> O
NC -> K
SV -> H
OH -> B
PC -> O
OC -> C
CS -> P
PV -> V
NH -> C
PK -> H
@ -89,6 +89,11 @@
(define (char->number c)
(define (char->number c)
(- (char->integer c) (char->integer #\0)))
(- (char->integer c) (char->integer #\0)))
;; char->symbol : char? -> symbol?
;; Convert a character into the corresponding symbol
(define (char->symbol c)
(string->symbol (list->string (list c))))
;; string->vector : string? -> (vectorof char?)
;; string->vector : string? -> (vectorof char?)
(define (string->vector str)
(define (string->vector str)
(list->vector (string->list str)))
(list->vector (string->list str)))
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
#lang curly-fn racket
(require "../lib.rkt")
(define-values (template rules left-end right-end)
(match-let ([(list `(,template*) rules) (problem-input-grouped-lines 14)])
(define template (map char->symbol (string->list template*)))
(values (for/hash ([left template]
[right (rest template)])
(values (cons left right) 1))
(for/hash ([rule rules])
(match-let ([(list _ left right insert) (regexp-match #px"(\\w)(\\w) -> (\\w)" rule)])
(values (cons (string->symbol left)
(string->symbol right))
(string->symbol insert))))
(first template) (last template))))
(define (step template)
(for/fold ([polymer (hash)])
([pair (hash-keys template)])
(match-let* ([(cons left right) pair]
[insert (hash-ref rules pair)]
[count (hash-ref template pair)]
[polymer (hash-update polymer (cons left insert) #{+ % count} 0)]
[polymer (hash-update polymer (cons insert right) #{+ % count} 0)])
(define (count n)
(for/fold ([counts (hash right-end 1 left-end 1)]
#:result (let ([counts (hash-values counts)])
(/ (- (maximum counts) (minimum counts)) 2)))
([(k v) ((iterate step n) template)])
(match-let* ([(cons left right) k]
[counts (hash-update counts left #{+ % v} 0)]
[counts (hash-update counts right #{+ % v} 0)])
(show-solution (count 10) (count 40))
Reference in New Issue