Day 20. Will replace hash with set.

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Chan 2021-12-19 21:46:58 -08:00
parent 46a2e3947f
commit 8e6e0dcfcd
2 changed files with 171 additions and 0 deletions

input/20.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@

src/20.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
#lang curly-fn racket
(require "../lib.rkt")
(match-define (list input1 input2)
(problem-input-grouped 20))
(define algorithm
(list->vector (string->list input1)))
(define image
(for/fold ([img (hash)])
([line (string-lines input2)]
[row (range (length (string-lines input2)))])
(for/fold ([img img])
([char (string->list line)]
[col (range (string-length line))])
(hash-set img (cons row col) char))))
(define (square row col)
(for*/list ([r (range* (sub1 row) (add1 row))]
[c (range* (sub1 col) (add1 col))])
(cons r c)))
(define (square->number pixels)
(~>> (map #{match % [#\. "0"] [#\# "1"]} pixels)
(apply string-append)
(define (image-bounds img)
(define keys (hash-keys img))
(define rows (map car keys))
(define cols (map cdr keys))
(values (minimum rows) (maximum rows)
(minimum cols) (maximum cols)))
(define (show img)
(define-values (min-row max-row min-col max-col)
(image-bounds img))
(for ([row (range* min-row max-row)])
(for ([col (range* min-col max-col)])
(display (hash-ref img (cons row col) #\.)))
(define (enhance default img)
(define-values (min-row max-row min-col max-col)
(image-bounds img))
(for*/fold ([img* (hash)])
([row (range* (sub1 min-row) (add1 max-row))]
[col (range* (sub1 min-col) (add1 max-col))])
(~>> (square row col)
(map #{hash-ref img % default})
(vector-ref algorithm)
(hash-set img* (cons row col)))))
(define part1
(let ([img (enhance #\# (enhance #\. image))])
(count #{char=? % #\#} (hash-values img))))
(define part2
(for/fold ([img image]
[default #\.]
#:result (count #{char=? % #\#} (hash-values img)))
([_ (range 50)])
(values (enhance default img)
(match default [#\. #\#] [#\# #\.]))))
(show-solution part1 part2)