Updated custom library.
This includes removing all of the grid-related functions. I think they need to be rethunk, since I keep inconsistently using either (x, y) or (r, c) as coordinates, and those are swapped. Coordinates should probably also be some sort of position struct. If I need that old code, I can always just look at last year's library.
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,23 +34,23 @@
;; problem-input : number? -> (listof string?)
;; problem-input : number? -> (listof string?)
;; Return contents of input file input/xx.txt as lines of strings.
;; Return contents of input file input/xx.txt as lines of strings.
(define (problem-input n)
(define (problem-input n [suffix ""])
(let* ([filename (~a n #:min-width 2 #:align 'right #:left-pad-string "0")]
(let* ([filename (~a n #:min-width 2 #:align 'right #:left-pad-string "0")]
[path (string-append "../input/" filename ".txt")])
[path (string-append "../input/" filename suffix ".txt")])
(read-lines path)))
(read-lines path)))
;; problem-input-all : number? -> string?
;; problem-input-all : number? -> string?
;; Return contents of input file input/xx.txt as a single string.
;; Return contents of input file input/xx.txt as a single string.
(define (problem-input-all n)
(define (problem-input-all n [suffix ""])
(let* ([filename (~a n #:min-width 2 #:align 'right #:left-pad-string "0")]
(let* ([filename (~a n #:min-width 2 #:align 'right #:left-pad-string "0")]
[path (string-append "../input/" filename ".txt")])
[path (string-append "../input/" filename suffix ".txt")])
(read-file path)))
(read-file path)))
;; problem-input-grouped : number? -> (listof string?)
;; problem-input-grouped : number? -> (listof string?)
;; Return contents of input file input/xx.txt as a list of strings,
;; Return contents of input file input/xx.txt as a list of strings,
;; where each string is a group of lines separated by newlines.
;; where each string is a group of lines separated by newlines.
(define (problem-input-grouped n)
(define (problem-input-grouped n [suffix ""])
(string-split (problem-input-all n) "\n\n"))
(string-split (problem-input-all n suffix) "\n\n"))
;; show-solution : a -> b -> void
;; show-solution : a -> b -> void
;; Print part1 and part2 on separate lines.
;; Print part1 and part2 on separate lines.
@ -58,91 +58,6 @@
(printf "Part 1: ~a\nPart 2: ~a\n" part1 part2))
(printf "Part 1: ~a\nPart 2: ~a\n" part1 part2))
;; Grid helpers ;;
;; A grid of values might be stored in three different ways:
;; - As a hashtable from coordinates (list x y) to values; or
;; - As a vector of vectors of values; or
;; - As a list of lists of values.
;; coord = (list? number? number?)
;; Coordinate axes point right (x-axis) and down (y-axis).
;; make-vector-grid : number -> number -> number -> vector-grid
(define (make-vector-grid width height [default 0])
(build-vector height (λ (_) (make-vector width default))))
;; vector-grid-update : vector-grid -> coord -> a -> void
;; Set the vector grid to given value at position (row, col)
(define (vector-grid-update vector-grid coord value)
(vector-set! (vector-ref vector-grid (second coord)) (first coord) value))
;; vector-grid-ref* : (vectorof (vectorof any)) -> coord -> any -> any
;; Given coordinates (x, y), in the yth vector, find the xth element.
;; If either x or y are beyond the indices of the vectors,
;; return the default value provided.
(define (vector-grid-ref* grid coord failure-result)
(match-let ([(list x y) coord]
[y-len (vector-length grid)])
(if (or (< y 0) (>= y y-len))
(let* ([row (vector-ref grid y)]
[x-len (vector-length row)])
(if (or (< x 0) (>= x x-len))
(vector-ref row x))))))
;; lists->vectors : list-grid -> vector-grid
(define (lists->vectors list-grid)
(list->vector (map list->vector list-grid)))
;; vectors->lists : vector-grid -> list-grid
(define (vectors->lists vector-grid)
(map vector->list (vector->list vector-grid)))
;; lists->hash : list-grid -> hash-grid
(define (lists->hash list-grid)
(let ([width (length (first list-grid))]
[length (length list-grid)])
(for*/fold ([hash-grid (hash)])
([x (in-range width)]
[y (in-range length)])
(hash-set hash-grid (list x y) (list-ref (list-ref list-grid y) x)))))
;; hash->vectors : hash-grid -> number -> vector-grid
;; When a coordinate is not in the hash-grid,
;; the vector-grid takes on the default value.
(define (hash->vectors hash-grid [default 0])
(let* ([keys (hash-keys hash-grid)]
[xs (map first keys)]
[ys (map second keys)]
[min-x (apply min xs)]
[min-y (apply min ys)]
[width (add1 (- (apply max xs) min-x))]
[height (add1 (- (apply max ys) min-y))]
[vector-grid (make-vector-grid width height default)])
hash-grid (λ (coord val)
(let ([x (- (first coord) min-x)]
[y (- (second coord) min-y)])
(vector-set! (vector-ref vector-grid y) x val))))
;; show-list-grid : (hashof (value => char)) -> list-grid -> void
(define (show-list-grid char-hash list-grid)
(map (∘ list->string
(∂ map (∂ hash-ref char-hash)))
;; show-vector-grid : (hashof (value => char)) -> vector-grid -> void
(define (show-vector-grid char-hash vector-grid)
(show-list-grid char-hash (vectors->lists vector-grid)))
;; show-hash-grid : (hashof (value => char)) -> hash-grid -> number -> void
(define (show-hash-grid char-hash hash-grid [default 0])
(show-vector-grid char-hash (hash->vectors hash-grid default)))
;; String helpers ;;
;; String helpers ;;
;; string->number* : (or/c string? #f) -> (or/c number? #f)
;; string->number* : (or/c string? #f) -> (or/c number? #f)
@ -159,6 +74,10 @@
(define (string->binary str)
(define (string->binary str)
(string->number (string-append "#b" str)))
(string->number (string-append "#b" str)))
;; string->vector : string? -> (vectorof char?)
(define (string->vector str)
(list->vector (string->list str)))
;; string-replaces : string? -> (listof (list? string? string?)) -> string
;; string-replaces : string? -> (listof (list? string? string?)) -> string
;; Perform string replacements in order,
;; Perform string replacements in order,
;; so that later replacments may affect earlier ones
;; so that later replacments may affect earlier ones
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
(require "../lib.rkt")
(require "../lib.rkt")
(define input (lists->vectors (map string->list (problem-input 11))))
(define input (list->vector (map string->vector (problem-input 11))))
(define width (vector-length (vector-ref input 0)))
(define width (vector-length (vector-ref input 0)))
(define length (vector-length input))
(define length (vector-length input))
Reference in New Issue