#lang plai (require "../lib.rkt" "IntCode.rkt") (define input (string->program (car (problem-input 11)))) ;; 0 is a "black" panel and 1 is a "white" panel ;; but the spaceship is entirely black ;; so the identifier colour is in "white" ;; which we show as black blocks against white (define panel-hash (make-hash '((0 . #\ ) (1 . #\█)))) ;; The hull as a hash (x . y) -> c ;; x increases rightward ;; y increases downward (define hull (make-hash)) ;; The hull as a vector of row vectors of c ;; i.e. x = index of inner vectors, ;; y = index of outer vector (define (make-grid xrange yrange) (build-vector (add1 yrange) (λ (_) (make-vector (add1 xrange))))) ;; Turn CCW if δ = 0, CW if δ = 1 (define (update-dir dir δ) (match dir ['U (if (zero? δ) 'L 'R)] ['D (if (zero? δ) 'R 'L)] ['L (if (zero? δ) 'D 'U)] ['R (if (zero? δ) 'U 'D)])) ;; Move in given direction (up/down/left/right) (define (update-pos dir xy) (let ([x (car xy)] [y (cdr xy)]) (match dir ['U (cons x (sub1 y))] ['D (cons x (add1 y))] ['L (cons (sub1 x) y)] ['R (cons (add1 x) y)]))) ;; Deploy the emergency hull painting robot! (define (deploy st dir xy) (define clr (hash-ref hull xy 0)) (type-case state st [halt (_) (void)] [in (resume) (let*-values ([(clr* st) (resume-with-output (resume clr))] [(δ st) (resume-with-output st)]) (cond [(!= clr clr*) (hash-set! hull xy clr*)]) (let* ([dir (update-dir dir δ)] [xy (update-pos dir xy)]) (deploy st dir xy)))] [else (error "Unexpected program state.")])) (define (part1) (deploy (exec input) 'U '(0 . 0)) (hash-count hull)) (define (part2) (set! hull (make-hash '(((0 . 0) . 1)))) (deploy (exec input) 'U '(0 . 0)) (show-hash-grid panel-hash hull) #f) (show-solution (part1) (part2))