Day 10: Part 2.

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Chan 2019-12-10 13:18:04 -08:00
parent 9f614b8616
commit ec43c29435
2 changed files with 67 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
(provide problem-input
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@
@ -38,6 +40,13 @@
(printf "Part 1: ~a\nPart 2: ~a\n" part1 part2))
;; Function helpers ;;
;; uncurry : (a1 -> ... -> an -> b) -> ((listof a) -> b)
(define uncurry
(curry apply))
;; Number helpers ;;
;; sum : (listof number) -> number
@ -107,6 +116,10 @@
[layers (map cdr layers)])
(cons pixels (transpose layers)))))
;; zip : (a1 -> ... -> an -> b) -> (listof a1) -> ... -> (listof an) -> (listof b)
(define (zip f . lsts)
(map (curry apply f) (transpose lsts)))
;; list->queue : (listof any) -> (queueof any)
;; Creates a queue and adds elements of list in order
(define (list->queue lst)

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@ -8,53 +8,66 @@
(define width (string-length (car input)))
(define height (length input))
(define (coprime? ij)
(= 1 (gcd (first ij)
(second ij))))
(define (out-of-range? x y)
(or (< x 0)
(< y 0)
(>= x width)
(>= y height)))
(define (coprime? i j)
(= 1 (gcd i j)))
(define (offsets x y)
(define is
(range (negate x) (- width x)))
(define js
(range (negate y) (- height y)))
(filter coprime? (cartesian-product is js)))
(let ([is (range (negate x) (- width x))]
[js (range (negate y) (- height y))])
(filter (uncurry coprime?) (cartesian-product is js))))
(define (asteroid? xy)
(define row (list-ref input (second xy)))
(eq? #\# (string-ref row (first xy))))
(define (asteroid? x y)
(define row (list-ref input y))
(eq? #\# (string-ref row x)))
(define (asteroid-offset? x y ij)
(define i (first ij))
(define j (second ij))
(define max-multiple
(let ([max-x
[(zero? i) width]
[(positive? i) (truncate (/ (- (sub1 width) x) i))]
[else (abs (truncate (/ x i)))])]
[(zero? j) height]
[(positive? j) (truncate (/ (- (sub1 height) y) j))]
[else (abs (truncate (/ y j)))])])
(min max-x max-y)))
(ormap (λ (m) (asteroid? `(,(+ x (* m i))
,(+ y (* m j)))))
(range 1 (add1 max-multiple))))
(define (asteroid-offset x y i j)
(let loop ([m 1])
(let ([x* (+ x (* i m))]
[y* (+ y (* j m))])
[(out-of-range? x* y*) #f]
[(asteroid? x* y*) (list x* y*)]
[else (loop (add1 m))]))))
(define (asteroids xy)
(define x (first xy))
(define y (second xy))
(count (curry asteroid-offset? x y) (offsets x y)))
(define (asteroids x y)
(filter-map (uncurry (curry asteroid-offset x y)) (offsets x y)))
(define-values (part1 location)
(define-values (part1 location in-view)
(let* ([cols (range width)]
[rows (range height)]
[locations (filter asteroid? (cartesian-product cols rows))]
[asteroid-counts (map asteroids locations)]
[maximum (apply max asteroid-counts)]
[index (index-of asteroid-counts maximum)]
[location (list-ref locations index)])
(values maximum location)))
[locations (filter (uncurry asteroid?) (cartesian-product cols rows))]
[in-views (map (uncurry asteroids) locations)]
[counts (map length in-views)]
[maximum (apply max counts)]
[index (index-of counts maximum)])
(values maximum
(list-ref locations index)
(list-ref in-views index))))
(show-solution part1 #f)
(define (offset<? xy1 xy2)
(let ([x1 (first xy1)]
[y1 (second xy1)]
[x2 (first xy2)]
[y2 (second xy2)])
(or ; (0, -) < (+, y) < (0, +) < (-, y)
(and (zero? x1) (negative? y1))
(and (positive? x1)
(or (negative? x2)
(and (zero? x2) (positive? y2))))
(and (zero? x1) (negative? x2))
(and (nzero? x1) (nzero? x2)
(< (atan (/ y1 x1)) (atan (/ y2 x2)))))))
(define part2
(let* ([offsets (map (λ (ast) (zip - ast location)) in-view)]
[offsets (sort offsets offset<?)]
[200th (zip + location (list-ref offsets (sub1 200)))])
(+ (* (first 200th) 100) (second 200th))))
(show-solution part1 part2)