This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Chan 2019-12-10 23:16:39 -08:00
parent 3c4f817729
commit ce29e2e206
2 changed files with 83 additions and 0 deletions

input/11.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

src/11.rkt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
#lang plai
(require "../lib.rkt"
(define input
(string->program (car (problem-input 11))))
;; The hull as a hash (x . y) -> c
;; x increases rightward
;; y increases downward
(define hull (make-hash))
;; The hull as a vector of row vectors of c
;; i.e. x = index of inner vectors,
;; y = index of outer vector
(define (make-grid xrange yrange)
(add1 yrange)
(λ (_) (make-vector (add1 xrange) #\ ))))
;; Turn CCW if δ = 0, CW if δ = 1
(define (update-dir dir δ)
(match dir
['U (if (zero? δ) 'L 'R)]
['D (if (zero? δ) 'R 'L)]
['L (if (zero? δ) 'D 'U)]
['R (if (zero? δ) 'U 'D)]))
;; Move in given direction (up/down/left/right)
(define (update-pos dir xy)
(let ([x (car xy)]
[y (cdr xy)])
(match dir
['U (cons x (sub1 y))]
['D (cons x (add1 y))]
['L (cons (sub1 x) y)]
['R (cons (add1 x) y)])))
;; Deploy the emergency hull painting robot!
(define (deploy st dir xy)
(define clr (hash-ref hull xy 0))
(type-case state st
[halt (_) (void)]
[in (resume)
([(clr* st) (resume-with-output (resume clr))]
[(δ st) (resume-with-output st)])
(cond [(neq? clr clr*)
(hash-set! hull xy clr*)])
(let* ([dir (update-dir dir δ)]
[xy (update-pos dir xy)])
(deploy st dir xy)))]
[else (error "Unexpected program state.")]))
(define (part1)
(deploy (exec input) 'U '(0 . 0))
(hash-count hull))
(define (part2)
(set! hull (make-hash '(((0 . 0) . 1))))
(deploy (exec input) 'U '(0 . 0))
(let* ([positions (hash-keys hull)]
[xs (map car positions)]
[ys (map cdr positions)]
[xmin (apply min xs)] [xmax (apply max xs)]
[ymin (apply min ys)] [ymax (apply max ys)]
[xrange (- xmax xmin)] [yrange (- ymax ymin)]
[grid (make-grid xrange yrange)])
(λ (kv)
(let* ([x (- (caar kv) xmin)]
[y (- (cdar kv) ymin)]
[c (cdr kv)]
[row (vector-ref grid y)])
(cond [(= c 1) (vector-set! row x #\█)])))
(hash->list hull))
(λ (row) (displayln (list->string (vector->list row))))
(vector->list grid))))
(show-solution (part1) (part2))