Day 07 - part 2.

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Chan 2018-12-07 11:08:17 -08:00
parent dc664e3b16
commit effae7bb4e
2 changed files with 38 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ To arrive at [⟨ortho|normal⟩]( as December comes.
| 04 | ~ 1 | | 04 | ~ 1 |
| 05 | ~ 1 | | 05 | ~ 1 |
| 06 | ~ 3 | | 06 | ~ 3 |
| 07 | | | 07 | ~ 1 |
| 08 | | | 08 | |
| 09 | | | 09 | |
| 10 | | | 10 | |

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@ -1,28 +1,56 @@
module Day07 (main) where module Day07 (main) where
import Data.Map (Map, fromListWith, fromList, findMin) import Data.List (partition)
import qualified Data.Map as M (union, null, filter, delete) import Data.Map (Map, fromListWith, fromList, findMin, findMax)
import Data.Set (Set, singleton, empty) import qualified Data.Map as M (union, null, delete, empty, filter)
import qualified Data.Set as S (union, null, delete) import Data.Set (Set, singleton)
import qualified Data.Set as S (union, null, delete, empty)
import Data.Tuple.Extra (second) import Data.Tuple.Extra (second)
-- Deps = Task => Dependencies
type Deps = Map Char (Set Char)
-- Worker = (Task, Time)
type Worker = (Char, Int)
emptyWorker = (' ', 0)
parse :: String -> (Char, Char) parse :: String -> (Char, Char)
parse str = (str !! 36, str !! 5) parse str = (str !! 36, str !! 5)
dependencies :: [(Char, Char)] -> Map Char (Set Char) dependencies :: [(Char, Char)] -> Deps
dependencies ds = dependencies ds =
let dependents = fromListWith S.union . map (second singleton) $ ds let dependents = fromListWith S.union . map (second singleton) $ ds
independents = fromList . (flip zip) (repeat empty) . snd . unzip $ ds independents = fromList . (flip zip) (repeat S.empty) . snd . unzip $ ds
in M.union dependents independents in M.union dependents independents
part1 :: Map Char (Set Char) -> String -> String part1 :: Deps -> String -> String
part1 deps str part1 deps str
| M.null deps = reverse str | M.null deps = reverse str
| otherwise = | otherwise =
let available = fst . findMin . M.filter S.null $ deps let available = fst . findMin . M.filter S.null $ deps
in part1 (fmap (S.delete available) (M.delete available deps)) (available:str) in part1 (fmap (S.delete available) (M.delete available deps)) (available:str)
part2 :: Deps -> [Worker] -> Int -> Int
part2 deps workers time
| M.null deps = time + (maximum . snd . unzip $ workers)
| otherwise =
let elapsedTime = minOrDefault 0 . filter (/= 0) . snd . unzip $ workers
(done, working) = partition ((== 0) . snd) . map (second $ max 0 . subtract elapsedTime) $ workers
clearedDeps = foldr (fmap . S.delete) deps . map fst $ done
(newWorkers, newDeps) = foldr assign (working, clearedDeps) $ [1 .. length done]
in part2 newDeps newWorkers (time + elapsedTime)
minOrDefault n ns = if null ns then n else minimum ns
len task = fromEnum task - fromEnum 'A' + 61
assign :: Int -> ([Worker], Deps) -> ([Worker], Deps)
assign _ (w, d)
| M.null $ M.filter S.null d = ((emptyWorker:w), d)
| otherwise =
let task = fst . findMax . M.filter S.null $ d
in (((task, len task):w), (M.delete task d))
main :: IO () main :: IO ()
main = do main = do
input <- map parse . lines <$> readFile "input/07.txt" input <- dependencies . map parse . lines <$> readFile "input/07.txt"
putStrLn $ part1 (dependencies input) "" putStrLn $ part1 input ""
print $ part2 input (replicate 5 emptyWorker) 0