Day 17 -- part 1 tentative solution (has infinite loop and too many water tiles when bottom is reached).

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Chan 2018-12-18 01:06:34 -08:00
parent cc6bf1f7dc
commit 50867bfd20
3 changed files with 1421 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ import qualified Day24
import qualified Day25 import qualified Day25
main :: IO () main :: IO ()
main = Day16.main main = Day17.main

input/17.txt Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -1,6 +1,102 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, BangPatterns #-}
module Day17 (main) where module Day17 (main) where
import Prelude hiding (lookup, filter)
import Data.Foldable (maximumBy, minimumBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Map (Map, fromList, insert, lookup, filter, filterWithKey, keys, size)
import Debug.Trace (traceShow, traceShowId)
-- Horz (left, right) y | Vert x (top, bottom)
data Vein = Horz (Int, Int) Int | Vert Int (Int, Int)
type Grid = Map Coordinate Char
type Coordinate = (Int, Int)
parse :: String -> Vein
parse str =
let fstAxis:'=':valString = takeWhile (/= ',') str
sndAxis:'=':rangeString = reverse . takeWhile (/= ' ') . reverse $ str
val = read valString
range = (read $ (takeWhile (/= '.') rangeString), (read . reverse . takeWhile (/= '.') . reverse $ rangeString))
in if fstAxis == 'x' then Vert val range else Horz range val
createGrid :: [Vein] -> (Int, Grid)
createGrid veins =
let maxY = getMaxY $ maximumBy (comparing getMaxY) veins
grid = foldr insertVein (fromList [((500, 0), '|')]) veins
in (maxY, grid)
getMaxY (Horz _ y) = y
getMaxY (Vert _ (_, bottom)) = bottom
insertVein (Horz (left, right) y) grid = foldr (\coord g -> insert coord '#' g) grid $ map (,y) [left..right]
insertVein (Vert x (top, bottom)) grid = foldr (\coord g -> insert coord '#' g) grid $ map (x,) [top..bottom]
flowDown :: Int -> Coordinate -> Grid -> Grid
flowDown maxY (x, y) grid = if y >= maxY then grid else
case lookup (x, y + 1) grid of
Just _ -> grid
Nothing -> flowDown maxY (x, y + 1) $ insert (x, y + 1) '|' grid
canFlowDown :: Int -> Coordinate -> Grid -> Bool
canFlowDown maxY (x, y) grid = y < maxY && Nothing == lookup (x, y + 1) grid
-- Bool is True if water hits a wall and is over a floor, and False otherwise
flowLeft :: Coordinate -> Grid -> (Grid, Bool)
flowLeft (x, y) grid = case lookup (x - 1, y) grid of
Just '#' -> (grid, True)
_ -> case lookup (x - 1, y + 1) grid of
Just '#' -> flowLeft (x - 1, y) $ insert (x - 1, y) '|' grid
Just '~' -> flowLeft (x - 1, y) $ insert (x - 1, y) '|' grid
_ -> (insert (x - 1, y) '|' grid, False)
-- Bool is True if water hits a wall and is over a floor, and False otherwise
flowRight :: Coordinate -> Grid -> (Grid, Bool)
flowRight (x, y) grid = case lookup (x + 1, y) grid of
Just '#' -> (grid, True)
_ -> case lookup (x + 1, y + 1) grid of
Just '#' -> flowRight (x + 1, y) $ insert (x + 1, y) '|' grid
Just '~' -> flowRight (x + 1, y) $ insert (x + 1, y) '|' grid
_ -> (insert (x + 1, y) '|' grid, False)
floodLeft :: Coordinate -> Grid -> Grid
floodLeft (x, y) grid = case lookup (x - 1, y) grid of
Just '#' -> grid
_ -> floodLeft (x - 1, y) $ insert (x - 1, y) '~' grid
floodRight :: Coordinate -> Grid -> Grid
floodRight (x, y) grid = case lookup (x + 1, y) grid of
Just '#' -> grid
_ -> floodRight (x + 1, y) $ insert (x + 1, y) '~' grid
flood :: Coordinate -> Grid -> Grid
flood coord grid =
let (lGrid, lWall) = flowLeft coord grid
(rGrid, rWall) = flowRight coord lGrid
in if lWall && rWall then floodLeft coord . floodRight coord $ insert coord '~' rGrid else rGrid
canFlood :: Coordinate -> Grid -> Bool
canFlood (x, y) grid =
(Just '|' /= lookup (x - 1, y) grid ||
Just '|' /= lookup (x + 1, y) grid) &&
case lookup (x, y + 1) grid of
Just '#' -> True
Just '~' -> True
_ -> False
flowFlood :: Int -> Grid -> Grid
flowFlood maxY grid =
let flowable = keys $ filterWithKey (\k v -> v == '|' && canFlowDown maxY k grid) grid
flowed = foldr (flowDown maxY) grid flowable
floodable = keys $ filterWithKey (\k v -> v == '|' && canFlood k flowed) flowed
flooded = foldr flood flowed floodable
in if null flowable && null floodable then grid else flowFlood maxY flooded
part1 :: Int -> Grid -> Int
part1 maxY grid = subtract 1 . size . filter (\v -> v == '|' || v == '~') . flowFlood maxY $ grid
main :: IO () main :: IO ()
main = do main = do
input <- readFile "input/17.txt" (maxY, grid) <- createGrid . map parse . lines <$> readFile "input/17.txt"
print input print $ maxY
print $ part1 maxY grid