Day 17 - added implementation using UArray but it doesn't work :(

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Jonathan Chan 2018-12-18 15:22:11 -08:00
parent 4d6f80a4db
commit 1bb2027bd0
2 changed files with 119 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Data.Foldable (maximumBy, minimumBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Map (Map, fromList, insert, lookup, filterWithKey, keys, size)
import Debug.Trace (traceShow, traceShowId)
-- Horz (left, right) y | Vert x (top, bottom)
data Vein = Horz (Int, Int) Int | Vert Int (Int, Int)

src/Day17_UArray.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Day17 (main) where
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Data.Foldable (maximumBy, minimumBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Ix (range)
import Data.Array.Unboxed (UArray, array, (//), (!), elems, assocs)
-- Horz (left, right) y | Vert x (top, bottom)
type Grid = UArray Coordinate Char
type Coordinate = (Int, Int)
parse :: String -> [Coordinate]
parse str =
let fstAxis:'=':valString = takeWhile (/= ',') str
sndAxis:'=':rangeString = reverse . takeWhile (/= ' ') . reverse $ str
val = read valString
(min, max) = (read $ (takeWhile (/= '.') rangeString), (read . reverse . takeWhile (/= '.') . reverse $ rangeString))
in if fstAxis == 'x' then map (val,) [min..max] else map (,val) [min..max]
-- returns minimum y, maximum y, and grid
createGrid :: [Coordinate] -> (Int, Int, Grid)
createGrid veins =
let minX = fst $ minimumBy (comparing fst) veins
maxX = fst $ maximumBy (comparing fst) veins
minY = snd $ minimumBy (comparing snd) veins
maxY = snd $ maximumBy (comparing snd) veins
baseGrid = array ((minX - 2, 0), (maxX + 2, maxY + 1)) . map (,'.') . range $ ((minX - 2, 0), (maxX + 2, maxY + 1))
grid = baseGrid // (((500, 0), '|') : map (,'#') veins)
in (minY, maxY, grid)
flowDown :: Int -> Coordinate -> Grid -> Grid
flowDown maxY (x, y) grid = if y >= maxY then grid else
case grid ! (x, y + 1) of
'.' -> flowDown maxY (x, y + 1) $ grid // [((x, y + 1), '|')]
_ -> grid
canFlowDown :: Int -> Coordinate -> Grid -> Bool
canFlowDown maxY (x, y) grid = y < maxY && '.' == grid ! (x, y + 1)
-- Bool is True if water hits a wall and is over a floor, and False otherwise
flowLeft :: Coordinate -> Grid -> (Grid, Bool)
flowLeft (x, y) grid = case grid ! (x - 1, y) of
'#' -> (grid, True)
_ -> case grid ! (x - 1, y + 1) of
'#' -> flowLeft (x - 1, y) $ grid // [((x - 1, y), '|')]
'~' -> flowLeft (x - 1, y) $ grid // [((x - 1, y), '|')]
_ -> (grid // [((x - 1, y), '|')], False)
-- Bool is True if water hits a wall and is over a floor, and False otherwise
flowRight :: Coordinate -> Grid -> (Grid, Bool)
flowRight (x, y) grid = case grid ! (x + 1, y) of
'#' -> (grid, True)
_ -> case grid ! (x + 1, y + 1) of
'#' -> flowLeft (x + 1, y) $ grid // [((x + 1, y), '|')]
'~' -> flowLeft (x + 1, y) $ grid // [((x + 1, y), '|')]
_ -> (grid // [((x + 1, y), '|')], False)
floodLeft :: Coordinate -> Grid -> Grid
floodLeft (x, y) grid = case grid ! (x - 1, y) of
'#' -> grid
_ -> floodLeft (x - 1, y) $ grid // [((x - 1, y), '~')]
floodRight :: Coordinate -> Grid -> Grid
floodRight (x, y) grid = case grid ! (x + 1, y) of
'#' -> grid
_ -> floodLeft (x + 1, y) $ grid // [((x + 1, y), '~')]
flood :: Coordinate -> Grid -> Grid
flood coord grid =
let (lGrid, lWall) = flowLeft coord grid
(rGrid, rWall) = flowRight coord lGrid
in if lWall && rWall then floodLeft coord . floodRight coord $ rGrid // [(coord, '~')] else rGrid
canFlood :: Coordinate -> Grid -> Bool
canFlood (x, y) grid =
let validSides = (grid ! (x - 1, y), grid ! (x + 1, y)) `notElem` [('#', '|'), ('|', '#'), ('|', '|')]
validBottom = grid ! (x, y + 1) `elem` ['#', '~']
in validSides && validBottom
A few edge cases:
* Flowing water with more flowing water on one side (. | | or | | .) could flow into the gap
. | | | | |
. # | => | # |
. # | | # |
* Flowing water surrounded by walls should become stagnant
# | # # ~ #
# | # => # ~ #
# # # # # #
* But flowing water between a wall and more flowing water never changes
and neither does flowing water between more flowing water
# | | |
# # # |
floodFlow :: Int -> Grid -> Grid
floodFlow maxY grid =
let floodable = fst . unzip . filter (\(k, v) -> v == '|' && canFlood k grid) . assocs $ grid
flooded = foldr flood grid floodable
flowable = fst . unzip . filter (\(k, v) -> v == '|' && canFlowDown maxY k flooded) . assocs $ grid
flowed = foldr (flowDown maxY) flooded flowable
in if null flowable && null floodable then grid else floodFlow maxY flowed
part1 :: Int -> Int -> Grid -> Int
part1 minY maxY grid = length . filter (\((_, y), v) -> y >= minY && y <= maxY && (v == '|' || v == '~')) . assocs . floodFlow maxY $ grid
part2 :: Int -> Int -> Grid -> Int
part2 minY maxY grid = length . filter (\((_, y), v) -> y >= minY && y <= maxY && v == '~') . assocs . floodFlow maxY $ grid
main :: IO ()
main = do
input <- readFile "input/17.txt"
let (minY, maxY, grid) = createGrid . concat . map parse . lines $ input
print $ (minY, maxY)
print $ part1 minY maxY grid
print $ part2 minY maxY grid