Day 21 - refactoring for clarity and conciseness
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
import Data.List (transpose)
import Data.List (transpose)
import Data.List.Split (splitOn, chunksOf)
import Data.List.Split (splitOn, chunksOf)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map, insert, empty, (!))
import Data.HashMap (Map, insert, empty, (!))
type Rules = Map String String
type Rules = Map String String
squareRoot = floor . sqrt . fromIntegral
squareRoot = floor . sqrt . fromIntegral
validTwos = [
validTwos = [
[0, 2, 1, 3],
[0, 2, 1, 3],
[1, 0, 3, 2],
[1, 0, 3, 2],
@ -28,50 +28,34 @@ validThrees = [
valids :: String -> [String]
valids :: String -> [String]
valids str = case length str of
valids str = map (map (str !!)) $ case length str of
4 -> map (map (str !!)) validTwos
4 -> validTwos
9 -> map (map (str !!)) validThrees
9 -> validThrees
row :: Int -> Int -> String -> [String]
row multiple size str =
map concat . transpose . map (chunksOf multiple) . chunksOf size $ str
derow :: Int -> [String] -> String
derow multiple sbsq =
concat . concat . transpose . map (chunksOf multiple) $ sbsq
chunk :: String -> [[String]]
chunk :: String -> [[String]]
chunk str =
chunk str =
let size = squareRoot $ length str
let size = squareRoot $ length str
multiple = if even size then 2 else 3
multiple = if even size then 2 else 3
rows = chunksOf (size * multiple) str
makeRow = map concat . transpose . map (chunksOf multiple) . chunksOf size
in map (row multiple size) rows
in map makeRow $ chunksOf (size * multiple) str
dechunk :: [[String]] -> String
dechunk :: [[String]] -> String
dechunk rows =
dechunk rows =
let multiple = squareRoot . length . head . head $ rows
let multiple = squareRoot . length . head . head $ rows
in concat $ map (derow multiple) rows
unmakeRow = concat . concat . transpose . map (chunksOf multiple)
in concat $ map unmakeRow rows
enhance :: Rules -> String -> String
enhance :: Rules -> String -> String
enhance rules grid =
enhance rules = dechunk . map (map (rules !)) . chunk
dechunk . map (map (rules !)) . chunk $ grid
addRules :: [String] -> String -> Rules -> Rules
addRules keys value rules = foldr (\key currRules -> insert key value currRules) rules keys
countOn :: String -> Int
countOn grids = length . filter (== '#') $ grids
parseLine :: String -> Rules -> Rules
parseLine :: String -> Rules -> Rules
parseLine line rules =
parseLine line =
let inputStr : outputStr : [] = splitOn " => " line
let input : output : [] = splitOn " => " $ filter (/= '/') line
input = splitOn "/" inputStr
in flip (foldr (\key currRules -> insert key output currRules)) $ valids input
output = splitOn "/" outputStr
in addRules (valids $ concat input) (concat output) rules
main :: IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
main = do
rules <- foldr parseLine empty . lines <$> readFile "21.txt"
rules <- foldr parseLine empty . lines <$> readFile "21.txt"
let iterations = map countOn $ iterate (enhance rules) ".#...####"
let iterations = map (length . filter (=='#')) $ iterate (enhance rules) ".#...####"
print $ iterations !! 5
print $ iterations !! 5
print $ iterations !! 18
print $ iterations !! 18
@ -105,4 +105,4 @@
#.#/###/#.# => ##.#/.###/..##/.#..
#.#/###/#.# => ##.#/.###/..##/.#..
###/###/#.# => .#../.###/..#./#...
###/###/#.# => .#../.###/..#./#...
###/#.#/### => ###./####/.###/#.##
###/#.#/### => ###./####/.###/#.##
###/###/### => #..#/.#../#.../...#
###/###/### => #..#/.#../#.../...#
Reference in New Issue