Minor refactorings of days 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, and removed alternate solution (i.e. the original one) for 9.

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Chan 2017-12-12 00:12:51 -08:00
parent 46ca9a3347
commit ad9d3674f3
8 changed files with 49 additions and 114 deletions

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@ -24,4 +24,4 @@ main :: IO ()
main = do
coordinates <- fmap (map getCoordinates . splitOn ",") $ readFile "11.txt"
print $ getDistance $ fold coordinates
print $ maximum . map getDistance $ scanl mappend mempty coordinates
print $ maximum . map getDistance . scanl mappend mempty $ coordinates

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@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.IntMap (IntMap, findWithDefault, insert, fromList)
type Store = IntMap Int
squareRoot :: Floating a => Int -> a
squareRoot = sqrt . fromIntegral
@ -11,13 +13,11 @@ getDownstairs n =
let level = getLevel n
in n - (8 * level - 7 + 2 * ((n - (2 * level - 1) ^ 2) `div` (2 * level)))
type Store = Map.Map Int Int
getValue :: Int -> Store -> Int
getValue k m = Map.findWithDefault undefined k m
getValue k m = findWithDefault undefined k m
computeValue :: Int -> Store -> Store
computeValue n m = Map.insert n value m
computeValue n m = insert n value m
level = getLevel n
downstairs = getDownstairs n
@ -48,6 +48,5 @@ computeUntil max n m =
main :: IO ()
main = do
let initialStore = Map.fromList $ zip [1..9] [1, 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 23, 25]
print $ computeUntil 368078 10 initialStore
let initialStore = fromList $ zip [1..9] [1, 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 23, 25]
print $ computeUntil 368078 10 initialStore

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@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
import Data.List
import Data.Set
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.Set (toAscList, fromList)
isPassphraseValid :: [String] -> Bool
isPassphraseValid ws = sort ws == (toAscList . fromList) ws
main :: IO ()
main = do
input <- readFile "4.txt"
let passphrases = fmap words $ lines input
let valids = sum $ fmap (fromEnum . isPassphraseValid) passphrases
passphrases <- fmap (map words . lines) $ readFile "4.txt"
let valids = sum $ map (fromEnum . isPassphraseValid) passphrases
let stillValids = sum $ map (fromEnum . isPassphraseValid . (map sort)) passphrases
print $ valids
let stillValids = sum $ fmap (fromEnum . isPassphraseValid . (fmap sort)) passphrases
print $ stillValids

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@ -1,27 +1,20 @@
import Data.IntMap (IntMap, insert, fromList, findWithDefault)
type Length = Int
type Index = Int
type Steps = Int
type State = (Steps, Index, IntMap Int)
type State = (Int, Int, IntMap Int)
type Update = Int -> Int
next :: Update -> State -> State
next f (steps, i, jumps) =
let value = findWithDefault undefined i jumps
nextI = i + value
nextJumps = insert i (f value) jumps
in (steps + 1, nextI, nextJumps)
in (steps + 1, i + value, insert i (f value) jumps)
getExitSteps :: Length -> Update -> State -> Int
getExitSteps :: Int -> Update -> State -> Int
getExitSteps len f (steps, i, jumps) =
if i >= len then steps else getExitSteps len f $! next f (steps, i, jumps)
main :: IO ()
main = do
input <- readFile "5.txt"
let jumpsList = map read $ lines input
jumpsMap = fromList $ zip [0..] jumpsList
len = length jumpsList
print $ getExitSteps len (+1) (0, 0, jumpsMap)
print $ getExitSteps len (\v -> if v >= 3 then v - 1 else v + 1) (0, 0, jumpsMap)
jumpsList <- fmap (map read . lines) $ readFile "5.txt"
let jumpsMap = fromList $ zip [0..] jumpsList
print $ getExitSteps (length jumpsList) (+1) (0, 0, jumpsMap)
print $ getExitSteps (length jumpsList) (\v -> if v >= 3 then v - 1 else v + 1) (0, 0, jumpsMap)

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@ -1,29 +1,25 @@
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.HashMap (Map, member, insert, findWithDefault, empty)
import Data.Sequence (Seq, length, update, fromList, foldlWithIndex, mapWithIndex)
import Data.Sequence (Seq, update, fromList, elemIndexL, mapWithIndex)
import qualified Data.Sequence as S (length)
type Bank = Seq Int
type HashableBank = [Int]
type Config = (Bank, Map HashableBank Int)
(%) :: Int -> Int -> Int
type Bank = Seq Int
type Config = (Bank, Map [Int] Int)
(%) = mod
(//) :: Int -> Int -> Int
(//) = div
getMaxMem :: Bank -> (Int, Int)
getMaxMem bank =
foldlWithIndex (\(currIndex, currMax) index value -> if value > currMax then (index, value) else (currIndex, currMax)) (0, 0) bank
(fromJust $ elemIndexL (maximum bank) bank, maximum bank)
nextBank :: Bank -> Bank
nextBank bank =
let len = Data.Sequence.length bank
let len = S.length bank
(index, value) = getMaxMem bank
zeroedBank = update index 0 bank
mappedBank = fmap (+ value // len) zeroedBank
indicesToUpdate = fmap ((% len) . (+ index)) [1..value % len]
in mapWithIndex (\i v -> if i `elem` indicesToUpdate then v + 1 else v) mappedBank
newBank = fmap (+ value // len) $ update index 0 bank
indices = fmap (% len) [index + 1..index + value % len]
in mapWithIndex (\i v -> v + fromEnum (i `elem` indices)) newBank
cycles :: Int -> Config -> (Int, Int)
@ -37,6 +33,5 @@ cycles prevCount (prevBank, banks) =
main :: IO ()
main = do
input <- readFile "6.txt"
let bank = fromList $ fmap read $ words input :: Bank
bank <- fmap (fromList . map read . words) $ readFile "6.txt"
print $ cycles 0 (bank, empty)

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@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ minOrZero 0 y = y
minOrZero x y = min x y
getWeights :: Forest (Weight, Int) -> [Weight]
getWeights ts = fmap (\(Node (_, weight) _) -> weight) ts
getWeights = fmap (\(Node (_, weight) _) -> weight)
findRootWithWeight :: Int -> Forest (Weight, Int) -> Weight
findRootWithWeight w ts = foldr (\(Node (root, weight) _) acc -> if weight == w then root else acc) 0 ts
findRootWithWeight w = foldr (\(Node (root, weight) _) acc -> if weight == w then root else acc) 0
-- input: [Weight > 0] where all weights are the same except one
-- output: (difference between the median weight and the minority weight, the minority weight)
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ parseLine :: String -> (Program, (Weight, Programs))
parseLine line =
let nameAndWeight : programsString : _ = splitOn ")" line
name : weight : _ = splitOn " (" nameAndWeight
programs = discardEmpty $ splitOn ", " $ last $ splitOn " -> " programsString
programs = discardEmpty . splitOn ", " . last . splitOn " -> " $ programsString
in (name, (read weight, programs))
getBottom :: Map Program (Weight, Programs) -> [(Program, (Weight, Programs))] -> Program
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ mapToTree m = unfoldTree (\s -> findWithDefault undefined s m)
cumulate :: Tree Weight -> Tree (Weight, Int)
cumulate (Node root forest) =
let newForest = map cumulate forest
cumulativeWeight = (+ root) . sum $ getWeights newForest
cumulativeWeight = (+ root) . sum . getWeights $ newForest
in Node { rootLabel = (root, cumulativeWeight), subForest = newForest }
findBalanced :: Tree (Weight, Int) -> Int
@ -66,9 +66,8 @@ findBalanced (Node _ forest) =
main :: IO ()
main = do
input <- readFile "7.txt"
let programsList = map parseLine $ lines input
programsMap = fromList programsList
programsList <- fmap (map parseLine . lines) $ readFile "7.txt"
let programsMap = fromList programsList
bottomName = getBottom programsMap programsList
balanced = findBalanced . cumulate $ mapToTree programsMap bottomName
-- programsTree = mapToTree programsMap bottomName

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@ -1,49 +1,15 @@
removeCancelled :: String -> String
removeCancelled str =
let (_, removed) = foldl (\(prev, rs) curr ->
case prev of
'!' -> ('\0', rs)
'\0' -> (curr, rs)
_ -> (curr, prev : rs))
(head str, "") (tail str)
in reverse $ filter (/= '\0') removed
removeGarbage :: String -> String
removeGarbage str =
let (_, removed) = foldl (\(isGarbage, rs) curr ->
if isGarbage
then (curr /= '>', rs)
else (curr == '<',
if curr == '<'
then rs
else curr : rs))
(False, "") str
in reverse $ filter (/= ',') removed
countNonGarbage :: String -> Int
countNonGarbage str =
let (_, removed) = foldl (\(isGarbage, rs) curr ->
if isGarbage
then (curr /= '>',
if curr == '>'
then rs
else curr : rs)
else (curr == '<', rs))
(False, "") str
in length removed
countGroups :: String -> Int
countGroups str =
let (_, total) = foldl (\(score, acc) curr ->
case curr of
'{' -> (score + 1, acc + score)
'}' -> (score - 1, acc))
(1, 0) str
in total
scoreAndCount :: String -> (Int, Int)
scoreAndCount str =
let (_, _, _, score, count) = foldl f (False, False, 1, 0, 0) str
in (score, count)
where f (isCancel, isGarbage, level, score, count) curr
| isCancel = (False, isGarbage, level, score, count)
| isGarbage = (curr == '!', curr /= '>', level, score, count + (fromEnum $ curr /= '>' && curr /= '!'))
| curr == '{' = (False, False, level + 1, score + level, count)
| curr == '}' = (False, False, level - 1, score, count)
| curr == ',' = (False, False, level, score, count)
| curr == '<' = (False, True, level, score, count)
main :: IO ()
main = do
input <- readFile "9.txt"
print $ countGroups . removeGarbage . removeCancelled $ input
print $ countNonGarbage . removeCancelled $ input
readFile "9.txt" >>= print . scoreAndCount

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@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
scoreAndCount :: String -> (Int, Int)
scoreAndCount str =
let (_, _, _, score, count) = foldl f (False, False, 1, 0, 0) str
in (score, count)
where f (isCancel, isGarbage, level, score, count) curr
| isCancel = (False, isGarbage, level, score, count)
| isGarbage = (curr == '!', curr /= '>', level, score, count + (fromEnum $ curr /= '>' && curr /= '!'))
| curr == '{' = (False, False, level + 1, score + level, count)
| curr == '}' = (False, False, level - 1, score, count)
| curr == ',' = (False, False, level, score, count)
| curr == '<' = (False, True, level, score, count)
main :: IO ()
main = do
input <- readFile "9.txt"
print $ scoreAndCount input