Day 12, plus some edits to days 1 and 2
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,18 +1,13 @@
import Text.Read
import Data.Maybe
circularSum :: [Int] -> Int
circularSum :: [Int] -> Int
circularSum ns = snd $ foldr (\n (prev, sum) -> (n, if n == prev then n + sum else sum)) (last ns, 0) ns
circularSum ns = snd $ foldr (\n (prev, sum) -> (n, n * fromEnum (n == prev) + sum)) (last ns, 0) ns
halfwaySum :: [Int] -> Int
halfwaySum :: [Int] -> Int
halfwaySum ns =
halfwaySum ns =
let ms = drop (length ns `div` 2) ns ++ take (length ns `div` 2) ns
let ms = drop (length ns `div` 2) ns ++ take (length ns `div` 2) ns
nms = zip ns ms
in foldr (\(n, m) sum -> n * fromEnum (n == m) + sum) 0 $ zip ns ms
in foldr (\(n, m) sum -> if n == m then n + sum else sum) 0 nms
main :: IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
main = do
input <- readFile "1.txt"
nums <- fmap (map (read . pure)) $ readFile "1.txt"
let nums = catMaybes $ map (readMaybe . (:[])) input :: [Int]
print $ circularSum nums
print $ circularSum nums
print $ halfwaySum nums
print $ halfwaySum nums
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Data.IntMap (IntMap, findWithDefault)
import Data.IntSet (IntSet, member, notMember, insert, delete, empty, size, findMin)
import qualified Data.IntMap as M (fromList)
import qualified Data.IntSet as S (fromList, null)
parseLine :: String -> (Int, [Int])
parseLine str =
let src : dests : [] = splitOn " <-> " str
in (read src, map read $ splitOn ", " dests)
visit :: IntMap [Int] -> Int -> IntSet -> IntSet
visit hashmap node hashset =
let neighbours = filter (`notMember` hashset) $ findWithDefault [] node hashmap
in foldr (visit hashmap) (foldr insert hashset neighbours) neighbours
remove :: IntMap [Int] -> Int -> IntSet -> IntSet
remove hashmap node hashset =
let neighbours = filter (`member` hashset) $ findWithDefault [] node hashmap
in foldr (remove hashmap) (foldr delete hashset neighbours) neighbours
countGroups :: IntMap [Int] -> Int -> IntSet -> Int
countGroups hashmap count hashset = if S.null hashset then count else
countGroups hashmap (count + 1) $ remove hashmap (findMin hashset) hashset
main :: IO ()
main = do
keyvals <- fmap (map parseLine . lines) $ readFile "12.txt"
let hashkeys = S.fromList . fst . unzip $ keyvals
hashmap = M.fromList keyvals
print $ size $ visit hashmap 0 empty
print $ countGroups hashmap 0 hashkeys
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import Data.List
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
checksum :: [[Int]] -> Int
checksum :: [[Int]] -> Int
checksum = sum . map (\line -> maximum line - minimum line)
checksum = sum . map (\line -> maximum line - minimum line)
@ -9,12 +11,8 @@ divsum = sum . map divline
divline :: [Int] -> Int
divline :: [Int] -> Int
divline ns =
divline ns =
let (n, m) = head $ catMaybes $ map (\x -> maybeTuplefy x $ find (greaterAndDivisible x) ns) ns
uncurry div . head . catMaybes . map (\x -> Just (x,) <*> find (greaterAndDivisible x) ns) $ ns
in n `div` m
where greaterAndDivisible n m = n > m && n `mod` m == 0
where greaterAndDivisible :: Int -> Int -> Bool
greaterAndDivisible n m = n > m && n `mod` m == 0
maybeTuplefy :: Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe (Int, Int)
maybeTuplefy n mm = (,) <$> pure n <*> mm
main :: IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
main = do
Reference in New Issue