Day 3: getDownstairs is incorrect, but the rest should be correct...
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Debug.Trace
squareRoot :: Floating a => Int -> a
squareRoot = sqrt . fromIntegral
getLevel :: Int -> Int
getLevel n = ceiling $ (squareRoot n - 1) / 2
getDownstairs :: Int -> Int
getDownstairs n =
let level = getLevel n
in 8 * level - 7 + (n - (2 * level - 1) ^ 2) `div` 2
type Store = Map.Map Int Int
getValue :: Int -> Store -> Int
getValue k m = Map.findWithDefault 0 k m
computeValue :: Int -> Store -> Store
computeValue n m = Map.insert n value m
level = getLevel n
downstairs = getDownstairs n
preDownstairs = getDownstairs (n-1)
postDownstairs = getDownstairs (n+1)
lastCorner = (2 * level + 1) ^ 2
firstPost = (2 * level - 1) ^ 2 + 1
corners = map ((+ lastCorner) . (*(2 * level))) [(-1)..(-3)]
pre = map (1-) corners
post = map (1+) (lastCorner:corners)
| n == firstPost = (n-1) + (getValue postDownstairs m)
| n == lastCorner = (getValue (n-1) m) + (getValue preDownstairs m) + (getValue (preDownstairs+1) m)
| n `elem` corners = (getValue (n-1) m) + (getValue preDownstairs m)
| n `elem` pre = (getValue (n-1) m) + (getValue (downstairs-1) m) + (getValue downstairs m)
| n `elem` post = (getValue (n-1) m) + (getValue (n-2) m) + (getValue downstairs m) + (getValue (downstairs+1) m)
| otherwise = (getValue (n-1) m) + (getValue (downstairs-1) m) + (getValue downstairs m) + (getValue (downstairs+1) m)
main :: IO ()
main = do
let initialStore = Map.fromList $ zip [1..9] [1, 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 23, 25]
let infiniStore = foldr computeValue initialStore [10..]
print $ computeValue 10 initialStore
Reference in New Issue