Day 16 - how to do part 2 without taking 3 years ��
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{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Data.Char (ord, chr)
import Data.Bits ((.&.))
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Bimap (Bimap, fromList, toAscList, (!), (!>), insert)
import qualified Data.Bimap as B (map)
type Programs = Bimap Int Int
type Lookup = Programs -> Int -> Int
type Insert = Int -> Int -> Programs -> Programs
spin :: Int -> Programs -> Programs
spin s = (\v -> (v + s) .&. 15)
swap :: Lookup -> Insert -> Int -> Int -> Programs -> Programs
swap (!!!) ins keyX keyY bimap =
ins keyX (bimap !!! keyY) . ins keyY (bimap !!! keyX) $ bimap
parseMove :: String -> Programs -> Programs
parseMove str =
let exchange = swap (!) insert
partner = swap (!>) insertR
in case head str of
's' -> spin . read $ tail str
'x' -> let x : y : [] = splitOn "/" $ tail str
in exchange (read x) (read y)
'p' -> let p : '/' : q : [] = tail str
in partner (ord p - ord 'a') (ord q - ord 'a')
where insertR b a = insert a b
dance :: [Programs -> Programs] -> Programs -> Programs
dance moves programs = foldl' (&) programs moves
danceN :: [Programs -> Programs] -> Programs -> Int -> Programs
danceN _ programs 0 = programs
danceN moves programs n = let !newPrograms = dance moves programs in danceN moves newPrograms (n-1)
getOrder :: Programs -> String
getOrder = map (chr . (+ ord 'a') . snd) . toAscList
main :: IO ()
main = do
moves <- fmap (map parseMove . splitOn ",") $ readFile "16.txt"
print $ getOrder $ dance moves (fromList $ zip [0..15] [0..15])
--print $ getOrder $ danceN moves (fromList $ zip [0..15] [0..15]) 1000000000
Reference in New Issue