Day 8 - Used scanl, made things more concise

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Chan 2017-12-12 09:29:08 -08:00
parent a5e12ca387
commit 1078b40201
1 changed files with 7 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import Data.HashMap (Map, alter, empty, toList, findWithDefault)
import Data.HashMap (Map, alter, empty, findWithDefault, elems)
data Instruction = I {
reg :: String,
@ -32,19 +32,13 @@ parseLine s =
fnc = flip (getFnc function) $ read argument
executeInstruction :: (Map String Int, Int) -> Instruction -> (Map String Int, Int)
executeInstruction (m, highest) (I r v s f) =
let value = findWithDefault 0 s m
newHighest = max highest $ findWithDefault highest r m
in if f value
then (alter (addToMaybe v) r m, newHighest)
else (m, highest)
executeInstruction :: Map String Int -> Instruction -> Map String Int
executeInstruction m (I r v s f) =
alter (addToMaybe . (*v) . fromEnum . f $ findWithDefault 0 s m) r m
main :: IO ()
main = do
input <- readFile "8.txt"
let instructions = map parseLine $ lines input
(finalMap, highest) = foldl executeInstruction (empty, 0) instructions
maxValue = maximum . snd . unzip . toList $ finalMap
print $ maxValue
print $ highest
let maxima = map (maximum . elems) . tail . scanl executeInstruction empty . map parseLine . lines $ input
print $ last maxima
print $ maximum maxima