
49 lines
1.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

removeCancelled :: String -> String
removeCancelled str =
let (_, removed) = foldl (\(prev, rs) curr ->
case prev of
'!' -> ('\0', rs)
'\0' -> (curr, rs)
_ -> (curr, prev : rs))
(head str, "") (tail str)
in reverse $ filter (/= '\0') removed
removeGarbage :: String -> String
removeGarbage str =
let (_, removed) = foldl (\(isGarbage, rs) curr ->
if isGarbage
then (curr /= '>', rs)
else (curr == '<',
if curr == '<'
then rs
else curr : rs))
(False, "") str
in reverse $ filter (/= ',') removed
countNonGarbage :: String -> Int
countNonGarbage str =
let (_, removed) = foldl (\(isGarbage, rs) curr ->
if isGarbage
then (curr /= '>',
if curr == '>'
then rs
else curr : rs)
else (curr == '<', rs))
(False, "") str
in length removed
countGroups :: String -> Int
countGroups str =
let (_, total) = foldl (\(score, acc) curr ->
case curr of
'{' -> (score + 1, acc + score)
'}' -> (score - 1, acc))
(1, 0) str
in total
main :: IO ()
main = do
input <- readFile "9.txt"
print $ countGroups . removeGarbage . removeCancelled $ input
print $ countNonGarbage . removeCancelled $ input